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Oct 4, 2021, 9 tweets

This week we are showcasing some of our #MostRead articles from the last quarter. Watch this space for more. #Thread

[#IDRMostRead] 10 mantras you didn’t know you needed to help get you through another day of working in social impact.

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[#IDRMostRead] While it is important to resume classes for secondary and senior secondary graders, we must also focus on primary school students, who are at a higher risk of impaired socio-emotional learning and nutritional loss due to school closures.…

[#IDRMostRead] A day in the life of Jayanthi Damodaran, a counsellor who works with burn survivors of domestic violence. Read about what Jayanthi does, how she builds confidence, and why her work is critical.…

[#IDRMostRead] Here’s how YouTube allowed children to continue their education during the lockdown in India, built their confidence, and helped close gaps in their learning.

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[#IDRMostRead] We need to recognise that our current model of #philanthropy is broken and needs to be revamped to fit the needs of nonprofits in today’s reality.

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[#IDRMostRead] In addition to being one of the highest sources of natural calcium, millets are historically significant for Chhattisgarh. Learn more about its significance, as well as its impact on agro-biodiversity in the region.

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[#IDRMostRead] Civil society organisations (CSOs) have played an active role in mitigating the adverse effects faced by thousands of families due to the pandemic. This, despite being under-resourced, under-staffed, and under-protected.

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[#IDRMostRead] Women disproportionately depend on public transportation. However, the lack of safety in accessing it prevents them from getting to places of education, work, and recreation. Read how ‘request stops’ can help.

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