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Constantly dying becase Tae keeps smilingπŸ’› Hello friends I'm Sunnie β˜€οΈ Always happy to chat - '96 Liner

Oct 4, 2021, 18 tweets

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU
Hi friends! It's update time!

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU
So fun story, I was originally going to do this part fully as a flashback once they got home. But I got so INTO it while writing that it became a lot longer than intended and was such a different mood that it stopped working with the rest.

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU
It took like a solid week for me to decide to do this separately, but I'm glad I did. When a flashback hits 4k words it's time to make it its own thing πŸ˜‚

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU
It's the moment you've all been waiting for gang

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU
Fun Fact! I've been implying since the Christmas section, Yoongi's repeatedly stated how long he and Wonshik have been together-- but Jin never told him how long it'd been since they broke up so he didn't realise until Namjoon referenced it.

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU
Imagine how stupid you'd feel getting dumped by Old Town Road Grammy's Yoongi. He's the sexiest man alive and he's reading you for FILTH.

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU
A reminder that Wonshik's a 94-liner and has not used the word Hyung once in this fic, not even after he broke up with Jin.

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU
He's free

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU
I think my favourite thing about this entire scene is that Wonshik, the most self-centred person on the planet, probably just realised that his own break-up and public humiliation wasn't even about him.

Legally Jin πŸ’•A #Namjin AU
Happy Bangtan above everything else

SO! That was fun! The next chapter should (and I know I say this every time) be coming relatively soon, given that it is already half-written-- but it's also very important to the story, so please be patient with me if it takes a while, I'm working very hard to make this story as

good as I possibly can. It means the world to me that so many of you are interested in what I'm doing, it's incredible to have people so excited and invested in what I'm doing.
So until next time you can come chat with me here:

You can donate to support my writing ventures here:
And in the meantime let me know what you're most hoping to see in the next update:

Sidenote: I ranted FAR too much about the original movie in honour of it's 20th anniversary

Sorry that this isn't an update, but as a promise that I AM working on it-- here, have a layout of Jin's apartment! Proportions are off, but I feel like you get the vibe! And yes, he is stupidly rich!

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