Sunnie∞⁷ THE ASTRONAUT HAS LANDED Profile picture
Constantly dying becase Tae keeps smiling💛 Hello friends I'm Sunnie ☀️ Always happy to chat - '96 Liner
3 subscribers
Jun 30, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
Just making a few things clear: there is basically nothing BigHit and Hybe can do about Billboard’s bullshit. Like correct me if I’m wrong, but suing Billboard and winning would be almost impossible. It’s why Billboard isn’t even trying to be subtle. They know that no matter how obvious it is that they’re targeting BTS, there’s nothing that can be done to stop them. And unless Hybe starts paying for radio play and playlisting, they will continue to sabotage BTS as much as possible. It’s blatant extortion at this point.

And for the people who seem to
Jun 20, 2023 28 tweets 6 min read
You ever think about what the people who are always demanding Bighit & Hybe "step up" and "do more to protect BTS" are actually asking for? Like, the company is KNOWN to sue people and refuse to settle. BTS travels with 200+ bodyguards. The company paid out of pocket for the Busan concert to make sure that BTS and Army were safe because the city wasn't doing shit. Weverse Magazine shades the fuck out of every facet of the entertainment industry whenever they start acting up. I'm not a company stan. I don't blindly support Hybe & Bighit and they've
May 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
In 2014 Kim Taehyung was presented the choreography for a four and a half minute song in which he got to spank Jimin twice.

With water breaks, that’s about twenty times in an hour.

In their rookie years BTS were known to be practicing 12-15 hours a day We don’t know when WOH was written or when they started working on the choreo but we know their last promotion before it was Just One Day in April 2014.

It was first performed August 14th 2014, that’s around a 3.5 month period in which they had to perfect the choreography.
May 5, 2023 58 tweets 11 min read
AU where Namjoon accidentally ends up with six boyfriends by just clutzing out in public followed by a terrible joke/pick up line and every single one of the members is WAAAYYY to into it Namjoon on the bus and goes flying when it stops suddenly only to be caught by Jin’s ridiculously quick reflexes. Namjoon blushing ridiculously and staring up at the most handsome man he’s ever seen in his life.

“Wow, I think I just fell for you.”

Jin staring at him for a
May 4, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I have curated my timeline relentlessly, but I want to make something clear to EVERYONE. If I see you going to an airport, sharing unauthorized photos or information or supporting any stories about people who actually talked to the members on their private time, I'm blocking you. If I see anyone CRITICISING JUNGKOOK for calling out the assholes stalking him, I will be blocking you. If I see you sharing photos or information about their family members I will be blocking you. If I see you sharing ANY information about the enlisted members they didn't post
Apr 30, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
Your local queer army swinging by to remind people that “don’t assume my sexuality” was a term coined by the queer community to deconstruct mandatory heterosexuality. Assuming someone is straight is still assuming someone’s sexuality. Stop stealing our words to try to silence us. There is harm when someone is considered straight until they directly stare otherwise. It creates a culture where if someone isn’t ready to say those words, they feel like they have to hide. It creates a situation where if someone is unsure of their label, they feel like they’ll
Apr 9, 2023 77 tweets 15 min read
Namjin AU where Namjoon accepts an extra ticket to a basketball game, thinking his classmate’s friend couldn’t come. He doesn’t realise until he gets there that the girl lied and is treating it like a date.

He tries to friendzone her all night but they end up on the kiss cam He’s panicking and trying to think of the most polite way to reject her without embarrassing her, when the guy whose been sitting next to them all night— listening to Namjoon’s desperate attempts to swerve this girl— decides to put him out of his misery and kiss him instead.
Dec 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
So. I was getting my hair done tonight and I came straight from work so I’m like “ooh! I’ll order Uber eats! This should be EASY” nope. Of course it wasn’t. First I got a notification saying my food was there super early, and I though, huh that’s weird but I’m in the sink rn so I’ll just get it when I get out. Guess what? It wasn’t there. My food had never arrived. So I reported it, for a refund, used that money to reorder, but by that time so much of my appointment had gone by that I knew I was going to be eating it on my walk to the station. That’s
Nov 29, 2022 17 tweets 14 min read
So I know it’s not September… but ANYHOO your girl finally got diagnosed with ADHD so maybe this is something the meds will help with 😂 I’ll be trying to update at least one fic a week but I do have an OT7 Poly AU ongoing and a thread fic SO we’ll see how it goes. Work is hell! ~1029~
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
I’m taking care of our tertiary antagonist very quickly, I’m done with his ass ImageImage
Oct 24, 2022 63 tweets 71 min read
🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth

Hi friends! I’m baacckkk please ignore me fucking with the timeline of when Jimin releases music

🤍 Angell 🖤 An #OT7PolyAU #JiminMonth ImageImageImageImage
Oct 12, 2022 135 tweets 130 min read
🤍 Angell 🖤
Among fans of Idol Park Jimin, six Twitter accounts have become infamous. Known as the Swat Team, they have made it their mission to shut down antis, mantis and delulus. But unbeknownst to the six, their most persistent troll is secretly their beloved idol
#OT7Poly Image Hiii everyone, it’s officially #JiminDay (well it is in Australia) and I wanted to celebrate! And what better way to do that then to write a chaotic, poly OT7 social media AU? I don’t think one exists! I’ll drop the first tweets when I wake up tomorrow and keep posting throughout
Sep 16, 2022 71 tweets 14 min read
AU where soon after debut two members of BTS become a couple and the others all commit to acting gayer so that the couple can be cute without management getting suspicious. Of course, five years later they're all in one big polyamorous relationship and somehow Hybe hasn't noticed Just Yoongi and Hoseok getting caught by Namjoon kissing in the dorm, they beg him not tell anyone but he calls a group meeting instead. They admit they REALLY like each other but sadly say if it's better for the group for them to break up they will.
Namjoon looks at them
Oct 4, 2021 18 tweets 11 min read
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
Hi friends! It's update time! Image
Legally Jin 💕A #Namjin AU
So fun story, I was originally going to do this part fully as a flashback once they got home. But I got so INTO it while writing that it became a lot longer than intended and was such a different mood that it stopped working with the rest. ImageImage
Jan 3, 2021 96 tweets 19 min read
#NamjinAU where Namjoon keeps visiting “RJ’s Corner” a bookstore and patisserie which brings soulmates together, convinced he’ll find the love of his life there. Yet he never notices Seokjin, the shy owner who's been watching him the whole time. I would like that Joonie, if you have time."
"I've got all the time in the world," Namjoon grinned, knowing it sounded sappy, but he was unable to hold it back.
Jin seemed surprised for a second, but then he started to laugh. Incredulous and wild, the tension draining out of his
Nov 16, 2020 37 tweets 17 min read
The Essence of You 🌿 A #Namjin AU
In a world where your soulmate smells like your favourite scents, Jin continues to tell his friends to fuck off because it's not his fault his are all food related. In unrelated news, Namjoon develops a hatred for his soulmate's love of pesto. Image So, this is an expansion of a thread-fic I wrote a couple of months back featuring #namjin, #vminkook and #sope! You can find the original link to it here if you want to read it, but if you want to be spoiler free I full get that!
Dec 13, 2019 332 tweets >60 min read
Psst guys, update in a couple of hours once I’m done with work. Have an aesthetic board for Jin’s apartment 💛

Legally Jin 💞 A #Namjin AU

Hey friends, time for some more angst because apparently I have zero chill. ImageImage
Aug 1, 2019 141 tweets 82 min read
Okay, so sorry it took forever, really life has been an absolute bitch, extra shifts, proto-lupus, scary new meds, the whole works. Plus this chapter was being a bitch and I rewrote it like four times, but I hope the next one is faster, let’s get it! ~344~
Legally Jin 💞 A #Namjin AU