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By Birth Bhartiya...Hindu by grace of God. Har Har Mahadev Jay Shri Ram Rt वैचारिक सहमति नहीं

Oct 5, 2021, 12 tweets

Hey @UNESCO Let me show you Chennakeshva Temple,Belur,Karnataka.
Built by Vishnuvardhana in 1117 CE.
For you only Taj mahal is only wonder but if you go through our temples you will say Inadia is a land of wonders.

This temple took 103 years in its completion,
3 generation of the king was involved in it.
Many times this temple was destructed but still it is showing its beauty to the world.

Even Nails could be identified easily.

Pic 1- Kinnari playing Vina

Pic 2- Shilabalika with mirror

Shilabalika in all 3 pics

Lintel relief sculpture

Jaya and Vijaya Before the sanctum

Decorative turret in relief art at Chennakeshava temple, Belur

A Close up of decorative moulding frieze on outer wall of mandapa, Chennakeshava Temple, Belur, Karnataka

Madanikas below the eaves

Ornated lintel with the Makara on either side

View of Gopura (tower over entrance) from Garuda stambha (pillar) at Chennakeshava temple complex, Belur

Gajasurasamhara: Shiva slaying the demon Gajasura

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