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Marsilio is Musing about the next best moves in markets. Technicals & Timing FTW!!

Oct 5, 2021, 8 tweets

Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions

DJI 1900-current

Very simple approach - orange shows when "Co-Present" meaning same zodiac sign


1901-02, in Cap
Major top, sideways 1903 bear 1904

1920-1922, in Virgo
Major low, next move roaring bull 20s


1939-41, in Taurus
More like top / lower highs actually!
Next move down to 1942 low
But this also WWII hard to judge


1960-62, in Cap
Key high, but not 'it'
Bear move to 1962 low, then big rally

1975-2005 (adding years for clarity)

1979-81, in Libra
More sideways, but zooming in, actually top -
Major low 1982 then big 80s rally followed

1999-2001, in Taurus
Massive top, dot com bust followed


Of all Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions, current in play by sign the most by far, both Cap & Aqu

Anything possible, & main thing does seem to be CBs
And maybe they are not forced to end the funny money until Pluto in Aquarius

But does not look like major low

It is amazing how many of these formed major tops in the market - not every big top but still

Followed by bear markets (more than 20% down) maybe not several years, though bear action usually fast & violent

Only 1 was a clear major low

For my investing the technicals will decide but based on this the chance that Sept formed MAJOR top looking more likely or if back up there not that much higher, Jup-Saturn still together until end December


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