Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa

Oct 5, 2021, 25 tweets

This Thread will be on the (True) Lost History of the Great Empire of Tartary (Tartaria).

There has been much speculation on the Empire that has be erased from History, I will attempt to Seperate FACT from FICTION. To begin a classified document from the CIA from 1958.

Cartography, or the Art of Map Making, was prevalent in the 16th to 20th Century. How many Maps Can You Find that mention Tartary and the Tartaric Ocean? How can an Empire, started by Genghis Khan, VANISH from the History Books? Well, As you can see, Evidence was left behind.

How many Maps can you find that show Tartary? An absolute plethora. So how did the History of the Tartar's Vanish?

ALL of these Maps show Tartary and there are More... The Mystery of Great Tartary is truly Stranger than Fiction.

The famous Chinese wall separating China from Tartary.

Source: Book by Nicolaas Witsen

In Tartaria's full Glory, from the Reign of Genghis Khan in the 12th Century it Extended from China (Chinese Tartary) to Well Past Russia (Tartaria Proper).

According to Wikipedia

“Tartary or Great Tartary (Latin: Tartaria Magna) was a historical region in Asia located between the Caspian Sea-Ural Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Tartary was a blanket term used by Europeans for the areas of Central Asia, North Asia, and East Asia.."

"..It encompassed the vast region of the Pontic-Caspian steppe, the Volga-Urals, the Caucasus, Siberia, Inner Asia, Mongolia & Manchuria.

Knowledge of Manchuria, Siberia and Central Asia in Europe prior to the 18th century was limited..."

"The entire area was known simply as “Tartary” & its inhabitants “Tartars”. In the Early modern period, understanding of the geography increased, Europeans began to subdivide Tartary into sections with prefixes denoting the name of the ruling power or the geographical location.."

"..Thus, Siberia was Great Tartary or Russian Tartary, the Crimean Khanate was Little Tartary, Manchuria was Chinese Tartary, and western Central Asia (prior to becoming Russian Central Asia) was known as Independent Tartary.”

Wikipedia claims that Tartaria was a BLANKET TERM.

Tartary: A Blanket Term?

It seems like to me Wikipedia is trying to Hide serious details. How can an Empire with over 20 Maps found on a Google Search have such limited information available? But information has slipped thru the cracks.

A Beautiful Map of Independent Tartary.

.In 1850 Mongolia starts to appear where Independent Tartary was before, and China seems to be expanding and becoming an Empire.

In 1852 the Chinese Empire consists of Mongolia, China bordering with Tartary on the west and the Russian empire on the north.

In 1852 the Chinese Empire consists of Mongolia, China bordering with Tartary on the west & Russian on the north.

According to a 1875 map, Independent Tartary is located east of the Caspian sea, where modern Turkmenistan, Tajikistan & Uzbekistan are. They belonging to Turkestan.

Turkestan, also spelled Turkistan (Romanized: Torkestân, lit. ‘Land of the Turks’), is a historical region in Central Asia between Ural and Siberia to the north; the Gobi Desert to the east; Tibet, Kashmir, Afghanistan, and Iran to the south; and the Caspian Sea to the west.

Turkestan includes present-day Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, the Tarim Basin of China (also known as East Turkestan), and parts of northern Afghanistan (known as Afghan Turkestan).

The Tangut alphabet which was used and spoken in Great Tartary. Proof of a whole new language & Dialect, which is also in use among certain Calmucks & Mongols.

Let's discuss the Religion and different Idols of the Tartars. Below on the Top: Idol Xennoumeo revered by the Tartars of Niukhe and Mongolia. Bottom: Idol Xenu in China revered by the Tartars of Niukhe.

Two female idols revered by Niukhian (Manchurian) Tartars in China. Left: Female idol Quangenposa, 12 fathoms high. Right: Female idol Quoungiapusa, 8 fathoms high.

Go back to Thread of the Santana Dharma Deity Ganesha who has been found Worldwide. No surprise He is found in The idol with the elephant snout is named Quenevady (Ganesha), son of the God Ixora or Elsware (Lord Shiva), sometimes also called Vievrepedra .

A Shaman or 'Devil-priest' in the country of the Tungus. This is the first picture published in Europe of a Siberian Shaman.

‘The Calmucks and Mongols put dead horses on the graves of their friends.’ Central to the religious practices of the shamanist Buryats and Mongols was the Tailgan , a blood-sacrifice to the sky god Tengri, in which a (white) horse was killed and its skin hung on a high pole.'

The Idol Temple Jujangu which mentions Scythia & Tartaria.

More of the Writings of the Tartars of Niuche (Manchuria), to be read from top to bottom. The Letters are called the 'Tangut letters'. Slightly different Crimean Tartar letters Crimean Tartar numbers.

Was it some sort of Lost Technology? What happened to the Tartars? Why is Genghis Khan's Great Empire buried in History?

Thank you for Reading.🙏❤️‍🔥

Yet, study Chinese and Russian History & you will find no mention of the Tartar's. How is this so? The Maps continue. Who needs cameras when Cartographers drew these absolutely beautiful Maps? They can't all be lying. What is Hidden? Free Energy Devices? Lost Technology?

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