Aneesh Gokhale Profile picture
Author, 'Battles of the Maratha Empire' ' and 'Lachit - The Indomitable' (formerly Brahmaputra) Sometimes a sailor too.

Oct 5, 2021, 8 tweets

The current Mumbai Pune route was rather unimportant and inconsequential till the advent of the EIC.

At the marked location was the Pune Mumbai road's first toll naka.

The toll house disappeared long back, but it's last echo - a marble plaque set in the railway viaduct was removed a few months ago.

If you are old enough, you might remember the name " Amrutanjan Bridge" - courtesy a big advt of Amrutanjan balm which was fixed on it long back.

The old toll house was located around this spot

The marble slab was probably a later day addition, supplementing the original two slabs mentioned here.

(Capt Hughes report)

@aparanjape @BharGo8

Toll on the Bor Ghat

The two commercial /military centres of importance were Kalyan and Pune.

There are several instances of Chhatrapati Shivaji reaching Kalyan.

Also Chimaji Appa took the Pune- Badlapur route.

This was NOT the later Mumbai Pune highway.

It was in fact the later railway route

Mumbai was a non descript village.

Till Maj Malcolm and Capt Hughes built the road across the Bor Ghat -

1. It wasn't possible to take wheeled carriages (bullock carts for example) from Mumbai to Pune.

2. There was no all weather road.

The first toll gate. It was dismantled towards the end of the 19th century, and toll gates moved to Talegaon (yes that is correct!) and Aundh.

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