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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Oct 6, 2021, 9 tweets

Nikki Thread 1/

So what IS Nikki Haley's plan? She seems insane

No. She is being very smart but obviously cynical & intensely scheming. All of her behavior makes sense, politically. She is aiming to cut in line ahead of Ted Cruz... for 2028.

Bear with me.

Nikki Thread 2/

Like all serious candidates for next GOP Presidential nominee after Trump (so after 2024) like Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Gov DeSantis, Gov Abbott - Nikki has a plan for AFTER TRUMP. The plans are all logical & systematic

Nikki Thread 3/

All of these people KNOW that Trump will be in prison by 2028

And they KNOW they will not challenge Trump for 2024

So they are ANGLING for the next open race for GOP Presidential nomination, which will be in 2028, and then how to handle a Trump then in prison

Nikki Thread 4/

The clear front-runner for 2028 is Ted Cruz. He is HIGHLY likely to win that nomination too. Do NOT think of this like a Democrat

Democrats like to fall in love
Republicans like to fall in line

GOP always nominate the guy who is next in line. That is Ted Cruz

Nikki Thread 5/

Nikki Haley knows Ted Cruz is the front-runner after Trump & sees how tightly Cruz has hugged Trump. That gives Cruz the best chance to get significant share of Trump supporters, when Cruz runs on a 'Pardon Trump' platform pointing to all others betraying Trump

Nikki Thread 6/

Nikki has gambled that Trump WILL run in 2024, and wants to be on that 2024 ticket..

..because Nikki knows Trump will LOSE. And that makes her the 'next in line' (where Pence should be, were it not for the Hang Mike Pence sentiment in the GOP)

Nikki Thread 7/

If you see her gambit as being 'Trump will lose in 2024, and I will be his Veep in 2024' - then EVERY batshit crazy Nikki Haley statement and flipflop makes sense. She is making the case she is best WOMAN for Trump ticket in 2024, to overtake Ted Cruz in 2028

Nikki Thread 8/

Nikki knows when Trump is in prison in 2028, GOP will face a political dilemma: Do we go back to how it was before Trump? So Next In Line. Ted Cruz

Or does GOP move BEYOND Trump. Then most non-Trump is a woman, who WAS Trump's choice as Veep.

That is her play

Nikki Thread 9/

When you see the Republican politician's play for year 2028, you understand the logic of the behavior

Nikki Haley knows Trump will be in prison, and wants to ride that disaster into huge election loss in 2024, as Trump's Veep. To overtake Ted Cruz for 2028

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