Yan Holtz Profile picture
#datascience and #dataviz using #Rstats, #Python and #D3. Author of https://t.co/NN1oRBSU8w and 3 graph galleries

Oct 6, 2021, 7 tweets

👋 I have 5 new @matplotlib python tutorials for #Dataviz 🤓
➡️stream chart, grouped barplot, histogram, linear regression and dual Y axis



1⃣First one is about streamgraph. There is much more manual work involved than with #Rstats


2⃣ How to build a chart with 2 Y axes. A bad practice 99% of the time but still requested by many ppl so...


3⃣ A very basic introduction to histogram with matplotlib, for 🐍beginners


4⃣ After the circular barplot, the grouped circular barplot with @matplotlib 😀


5⃣ How to add a linear regression on a scatterplot? Use the polyfit() function of numpy and plot it with matplotlib


🚢☀️ Hope it helps! Thanks again to ppl providing feedback and requests, and to @CaprettoTomas for his help building this! 🙏🙏

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