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Oct 6, 2021, 12 tweets

Marvelous work, movie-lovers! Now that you’re warmed up, we need YOU! We’re working on a study about how people search for movies when they can’t remember the name - we found some good ones, but can’t identify the movie they belong to — HELP! 👇

Calling all film buffs - what movie are they talking about?! We’re assuming it was one iconic scene… #GuessTheMovie

That....wasn't exactly the main point of this movie. #GuessTheMovie

Crazy, but good! We're pretty sure there’s a list of movies about it! #GuessTheMovie

Alright, we gave you a clue. This one's going to be easy to crack! #GuessTheMovie

Hey, @LeoDiCaprio, why so glum? #GuessTheMovie

Hmmm...this isn't what actually happened, though. #GuessTheMovie

Which side are you on? Team Shrek or Team ******* #GuessTheMovie

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. #GuessTheMovie

Here we are wondering what you have to put in your resume to get this job. 🤔 #GuessTheMovie

There is NO BETTER WAY to describe this movie! #GuessTheMovie

Thank you for your help today, Semrush fam! 🔥 Keep your guesses coming and get excited for our upcoming study on the ways people search for movies! We’ve got all this, and more, ready for you to enjoy. Stay tuned — we’ll share more details soon!

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