Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Oct 6, 2021, 6 tweets

Super extratropical cyclone Sam has just fully completed its transition, and it is an amazing sight.

Next stop Iceland.

[Imagery from @zoom_earth]

A set of 24 hour animations of the transition follow, zooming in on the final form of this storm, which is now 1365kms wide.

The super wide view shows just how massive the impact on Europe of this storm is.

This view shows the transition process, wherein a tropical heat engine, with a hot core, transforms its core into to operate in the cold, over cold seas.

And finally a closeup of the core, with a view of the NHC's final track forecast, which Sam is clearly not following. This variance will definitely effect the outcomes in Europe. As at the time of posting the Storm is 400kms south of where it was expected to be.

And here we see how this drama continues to play out over Western Europe. The set up now has a high pressure (warm and possibly wet) system being squashed between two low pressure systems, one of which (rhs) is extratropical cyclone Sam.

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