David H. Montgomery Profile picture
"A French history podcaster and enormous goshdang nerd after our own hearts" — @andrewvandam. Host of @thesiecle; senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica.

Oct 6, 2021, 7 tweets

The bad #COVID19 news continues in MN — partially explained by some data snafus, but mostly very real.

Not only are new cases expanding, they’re *accelerating*. Same for positivity rate, now over 7%.

Bad news: newly reported cases in MN nearly doubled week-over-week
Less bad news: But some of this was a data error due to cases delayed from yesterday’s report
Still bad news: Yesterday was already showing a huge increase, we just shifted part of it back a day.

The Cases and Positivity lines here are moving upwards, which means those stats aren’t just rising but accelerating. This is bad news.

No sign of this in hospitalizations yet, but this often lags case reports.

Hospitalizations are particularly surging in Greater Minnesota, where there are more #COVID19 patients than the metro for the first time all pandemic:

In the metro and SE Minnesota, #COVID19 accounts for less than 10% of hospitalized patients.

This rate is nearly twice as high or more in much of the rest of the state.

But we’re starting to see case counts rise in the metro, too. They had been basically flat here for a month+. (Just a couple days of uptick so far in the metro, could be a blip…)

Everywhere else is still seeing bigger and faster growth.

Cases are also surging in every age group, from the very young to the very old. The disease is still most prevalent among teenagers, but the trend from recent weeks of ONLY growth among kids is no longer true.

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