Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Oct 6, 2021, 23 tweets

⚠️This is absolutely fucking outrageous!

£30k, thats what it cost Luke Johnson to set up the CRG

£30k is what it costs for Collateral Global/GBD to buy itself an APPG in Westminster

And then we fund the fucking rest of it out of the public purse

30k,the price of democracy

No wonder Miriam Cates was praising UsforThem when she recently led the debate in Westminster Hall calling for the halt of the 11-15 vaccines.

Isnt it a conflict of interest that she's now on board of a group paid for by the GBD?

Democracy for Sale

Spoke to a reporter recently, told them MPs were reading questions sent to them by disinformation groups, turning parliament into a set piece that would allow them to quote their lines from MPs mouths in parliament to add an establishment veneer to their disinformation

Today they messaged me "You were right"

New section on the site of the antivaxxers HART, joint members with UsForThem and many others, boasting Yeadon as a member, working with GBD/Collateral Global

Reads like covid is harmless to children but vaccines are really dangerous.

UsForThem heard a school was considering a remote learning day after vaccines, they lobbied Halfon, contacted their media friends, and got this shut down

I don't think any of them had children at this school, and now they can quote Halfon in their literature

Miriam Cates praised UsForThem,read out their statement in Westminster and now HART can also quote her

And now she's in a APPG paid for and organised by Collateral Global!?

HART finish with praise for the Safer to Wait Campaign, the ones producing dodgy leaflets, encouraging letters to Heads threatening legal action and encouraging protesters at school gates

The same small circle of sham experts

Who else is in the APPG group, oh what a suprise Claire Fox

She gets quite annoyed when you accused her of hanging around and working with antivaxxers and conspiracy theorists

But then again, here she is working with antivaxxers and conspiracy theorists

I see Esther Mcvey is leading..

Dingwall turned up for the launch

The nerve of the man to talk of life and good health when he said we should talk to elderly and ill relatives about if they might prefer to die of Covid than later of something else

This is from Daily Skeptic, Toby Young disinformation hub set up the same week we went into the first lockdown off the back of GBD/Collateral Globals Gupta's non peer reviewed paper claiming I March 2020 we pretty much had herd immunity


Oh look whos praising lockdown skeptics, the Koch funded AIER

Who funded the GBD? Oh look Koch

The Chair of Education Select Committee
Chair of the influential 1922 Committee who have the power to remove Johnson
Now an APPG funded by Collateral Global which comes from the Koch funded GBD?

Democracy Sold...


The Collateral Global crowd were the ones pushing for herd immunity, letting it rip in Spring 2020,links to Tegnell in Sweden they were lobbying Trump and Johnson

They gave us

False positive narrative
Remove all measures,there can be no second wave,herd immunity already reached

Early 2021 they advised Modi that India had herd immunity and could completely open up without harm, said they didn't even need to vaccinate

Few months later, India's estimated death toll was nearly 5million!

They advised Floridas De Santis to remove restrictions, result⬇️

Now Collateral Global have been seeking to undermine the vaccine, pushing the narrative infection is better than vaccination

Remember the outrage just before the pandemic about Cummings hiring someone with eugenics sympathises

Well now the ppl who advocated a cull in all but name have their own Parliamentary Committee

Where's the media?
Where's the opposition?

They are intentionally try to increase vaccine hesitancy, pushing unverified VAERs and a junk Israeli study claiming infection is better than vaccination that a Israeli scientific adviser described as batshit crazy, if that was the case why did Israel rush out booster jabs?

The policies they push for will crush healthcare systems and destroy economies
Covid is more like HIV than Flu, it erodes your immune system, and creates health complications that means reinfections are more likely to be severe

Booster infection=bollocks

You can tie the members of Collateral Global working with almost every major disinformation group in the UK, US and much of the world.

The spiders at the centre of the web of vested interests, no group has done more to damage the global pandemic response

The state of this, now funding and acting as the secretariat for a Parliamentary Group which will now be putting out Collateral Global's reports via the UK Parliament

This isn't even a comprehensive list of their connections

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