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Welcome to official account of the world's largest Political Party of the world's largest Democracy- BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY, भारतीय जनता पार्टी.

Oct 7, 2021, 10 tweets

20 years, 20 decisions:

2001 - Handling of the Bhuj Earthquake

2003 - Gujarat State Disaster Management Act passed


20 years, 20 decisions:

2003 - Vibrant Gujarat Investors’ Summit

2004 - Gujarat Special Economic Zone Act


20 years, 20 decisions:

2006–07 - Improving ease of living in Gujarat

2014 - PM Jan Dhan Yojana


20 years, 20 decisions:

2014 - Make In India

2014 - Swachh Bharat Abhiyan


20 years, 20 decisions:

2015 - Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao

2015 - One Rank, One Pension


20 years, 20 decisions:

2016 - PM Ujjwala Yojana

2016 - Cross-border surgical strikes


20 years, 20 decisions:

2017 - Implementation of GST

2018 - Ayushman Bharat


20 years, 20 decisions:

2018 - PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana

2019 - Triple Talaq banned


20 years, 20 decisions:

2019 - Article 370 abrogated

2020 - Construction of Ram Mandir begins


20 years, 20 decisions:

2020 - Induction of Rafale in IAF

2021 - India’s fight against COVID


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