Billy Corben Profile picture
Florida Man

Oct 7, 2021, 10 tweets

This is why buildings fall in Miami: @MayorDaniella supports and @MiamiDadeBCC approves ANOTHER extension to airport contract with MCM, the bankrupt construction company — owned by @RepCarlos's wife's cousin — behind the FIU bridge collapse that killed 6 people #BecauseMiami /1

Here are the Miami-Dade Commissioners who voted yesterday in favor of the airport contract extension for collapsed FIU bridge builder MCM, disrespecting the victims and families of this tragic act of deadly negligence: District 2 Commissioner Jean Monestime #BecauseMiami /2

Commissioner “Pay 2 Play" @KeonHardemon’s former chief of staff now works for MCM! So, of course, he voted yes. And, as everyone in town knows, Keon and his political crime family will do anything and sellout anyone if the price is right. #BecauseMiami /3

Miami-Dade Commissioner Sally Heyman has been feeding at the public trough — stealing from and selling out taxpayers — since 1994 and is a big reason why we finally got term limits. If you want to know how she’ll vote, just follow the money. #BecauseMiami /4

Miami-Dade Commissioner @KionneMcGhee was known as one of the worst Democratic leaders in Florida House history and continues his shameless record of shady backroom deals and stabbing his constituents, not in the back, but right between the eyes. #BecauseMiami /5

82-year-old Commissioner @JavierSoutoD10 was first elected to office in 1984 and, at a public meeting last year, accused the Cuban government of weaponizing COVID while babbling about Bay of Pigs, the Missile Crisis, Soviet Union and biological warfare #BecauseMiami /6

Commish @JoeMartinez4026, former cop and Miami Vice background actor turned political grifter, hatched a scheme in 2012 with Donald Trump to lease him 800 acres of public land for $1/year to build a “movie studio,” said he was “tired” of hearing about COVID in March 2020 (!!!) /7

Miami-Dade @CommishDiaz Jose "Pepe" Diaz was arrested on video for drunk driving his Harley at 74 mph through a 30 mph speed zone in Key West (he was later acquitted of DUI). Lucky for him, he didn't drive drunk under the FIU bridge. #BecauseMiami /8

MCM was already recommended for two county jobs this year under @MayorDaniella, including a bridge replacement at a SW Miami-Dade canal and a pipe replacement contract endorsed by the Water and Sewer Department "after a review of MCM’s safety record" #BecauseMiami /9

Miami-Dade Water and Sewer is overseen by Jimmy Morales — appointed by @MayorDaniella after @Miami_NAACP demanded his resignation as Miami Beach city manager for his corruption and racism — is currently being sued by the ACLU for censoring Black artists #BecauseMiami /10

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