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वर्तमान: लेखक; भूतपूर्व: ऑंट्रेप्रेन्यौर

Oct 7, 2021, 9 tweets

20 years of Narendra Modi “The Leader” - 7 Badass skills you can learn from him (a thread)

1.History only remembers decisive people: Pakistan attacked us. Let’s respond. UP elections are ahead let’s still go for demonetisation. Let’s start GST. Abolish 370. Many things will work. Many won’t. Take a decision because there is no such thing as a perfect decision.

2. Be a disruptionist: Commonplace is okay. Following the rules is nice. But only those who are not afraid to shake things up a little are the ones who can change the world. All change makers are disruptionists.

3. Dress well: Every one is a salesman. Someone’s selling a product, someone a service and most others are selling their skills. No one wants to buy from a shabbily dressed salesman. Power dressing goes a long way.

4. Wear your culture and identity on your sleeve: Modernity in no way means abandoning your culture. Your humble beginnings give you the first hand access to real people. Make culture your shield and identify your sword and see yourself becoming invincible

5. Speak and the world will listen: You may not have the best voice texture or a polished accent. You may not be fluent in a certain language. But if you speak with conviction and confidence, the world will listen.

6. When you’re attacking, attack, don’t hold back: let’s face it, it’s a tough world. Life is a constant battle and those who hold back while attacking are slain. So don’t think what the world will say or write about you. Just go for the jugular.

7. Don’t waste time in justifying: Even ice cream sellers can’t make everyone happy. Justifying is not clarification, it’s validation seeking at its worst. Justifying your work is like stealing precious time from yourself.


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