World Health Organization (WHO) Profile picture
We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. Always check our latest tweets for updated advice/information Support WHO:

Oct 7, 2021, 5 tweets

Since the beginning of the #COVID19 pandemic, WHO & partners have mounted a response at an unprecedented global scale.

We continue to provide critical support and guidance to countries with the Strategic Preparedness Response Plan (SPRP) 👉

WHO’s Strategic Preparedness Response Plan (SPRP) provides

✅ implementation & operational support
✅ guidance & capacity building
✅ partnership, planning & coordination
✅ public health intelligence
✅ research & innovation
✅ monitoring

& more 👉

More support is needed in the fight against the #COVID19 pandemic to:

🔸 suppress transmission
🔸 reduce exposure, mortality & morbidity
🔸 counter misinformation
🔸 protect the vulnerable
🔸 accelerate access to tools, including vaccines 💉

More info 👉

We can't put out a fire 🔥 without fire engines 🚒 , hoses 🧯 and water 💦.

With help from donors, WHO continues the fight against the #COVID19 pandemic. Here what we have done so far 👉

🚨 Progress is under threat & resources lacking to address new outbreaks, variants & global vaccine inequity.

Here are the resources needed to fight the #COVID19 pandemic 👉

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