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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Oct 8, 2021, 6 tweets

DOOCY TIME: "There are a half million containers floating off the California coast with nowhere to go, major issues in the global supply chain...The Vice President warned that this could happen in August, so why wasn't more done to prepare?"

Psaki insists the WH has prepared...

Doocy: "As we understand it, it's not just Covid. There are also labor shortages and issues with shipping lines here--overground shipping lines in the U.S. Is the President satisfied task force that is doing a good job?"

Psaki: "The president recognizes there are several layers"

Doocy: "The Democratic candidate for governor in Virginia, Terry McAuliffe...says that, 'the President is unpopular today unfortunately here in Virginia, so we've got to plow through.' Why do you think the President is unpopular in Virginia?"

Psaki claims "facts" show otherwise

Doocy: "President Biden claims that he cold-called a Pennsylvania hospital to ask the desk-receiving nurse why it was taking so long for a good friend's wife to be seen. What happened next?"

Psaki: "Well, the context of why [he] told this story, which I think is important..."

Doocy: "But setting aside the privacy of the individual, how often does President Biden call around trying to help his friends cut the line?"

Psaki: "That certainly was not his intention. He was not trying to do that. He was checking in on a friend."

Doocy: "Do you know if the hospital might be having staffing problem b/c they have vaccine mandate & maybe some folks have had to leave b/c they didn't want to get vaccinated?"

Psaki gives a condescending reply, saying what matters is the unvaccinated hospitalizations (6/6)

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