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Oct 9, 2021, 5 tweets

🕉 #Navratri -9 Nights of Worshipping Ma Durga:
Day 3/9 - Maa Chandraghaṇṭā
‘Chandra’ -moon, ‘ghanta’- means bell-shaped. Goddess wears a half-moon on her head which is in the shape of a bell .She is also known as Chandika because of her ferocious form & warrior stance🚩1/5

🕉 2. After years of penance by Ma Parvati,Bhagwan ShivJi agreed to marry her & went to her house with an army of gods, mortals, ghosts, sivaganaas, sages etc. Parvati’s parents saw Bhagwan, fainted seeing his huge body,long hair, serpent on his neck & tiger skin as clothes🚩

🕉 3. Ma Parvati to match up to Bhagwan,then took the form of Chandraghanta as to not let him feel insulted. She requested him to take a charming form so that her parents would accept him who then appeared as a prince, well dressed with jewels. The marriage then took place🚩

🕉4. Day of worship: 3rd day of Navratri
Governing planet: Venus
Flower: Champak
Colour : Grey
Neivedhyam: Sakkarai Pongal ( Sweet/Jaggery Pongal)
Thithi: Thritiya( 3rd day of the Lunar Paksha of the Hindu Calendar)
Kolam: Draw rangoli by using flowers-pookolam

🕉 5. Mantra: Om Devi Chandraghantayai Namah (108 times)
Pindaj Pravara Rudha Chand Kopastra Keyurta |
Prasadam Tanute Maham Chandra Ghanteti Vishruta ||
MaChandraghanta who rides a tiger& holds weapons in 10 hands,shower your blessings on us 🚩
@hemirdesai #IncredibleIndia

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