Ravindra Vasisht Profile picture
Biz consultant in Hydrogen/Clean Energy. Interests - Politics, Defence, Economy, Strategy. Issue focused. Wacky good sense of humor. Instagram rvasisht. 9th Ap

Oct 9, 2021, 12 tweets

As @airindiain comes home to family @TataCompanies I was reminded of this brilliant advertising booklet that the airline used to give out to passengers when the world was normal, people could laugh at themselves & unlike today not take offence & outrage at the slightest imagined

insult or slight. Today these 2 booklets would have led to riots inside parliament & someone like even #JRDTata termed as anti-national, being asked to leave the country, heads would have rolled. But back then we were humans with the ability to laugh at the incongruous not idiots

I share the entire booklets in 2 series. This was called #FoolishlyYours & genius admen/ marketers like #BobbyKooka conceived this. The woke leftlib secular idiots would outrage at the plethora of racism while the equally idiotic right would do so on the insult to nationalism.

I found 2 of these booklets at a scarp book mart & proudly own them. I hear that there was a third book which I havent been able to locate anywhere but hopefully someone in #AirIndia or @RNTata2000 would have that.

Hopefully everybody who reads this on here will 🤣🤣🤣🤣& not start jumping on me for sharing a glimpse from the past to show how the world has changed. One person I am hoping will guffaw at this is @Suhelseth given his irrepressible sense of humor & irreverence.

The other booklet is called "This makes no sense" & while there were many similarities between the two I had a hard time controlling my uncontrollable laughter. Just imagine the mascot of @airindiain the #Maharaja as a donkey's ass !!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

These 2 booklets & the way they lampoon everyone of us has a HUGE lesson for @TanishqJewelry a part of the @TataCompanies on how to use humor without being offending notwithstanding that people have a thin skin. The class & style of this humor is missing in our daily life today.

I am tagging a few others who have a sense of humour & in their busy lives will hopefully read this & smile. @PandaJay @milinddeora @narendramodi @c_aashish @KanchanGupta @PritishNandy @rasheedkidwai @nistula @ARanganathan72 @JM_Scindia @Tejasvi_Surya

As the weekend approaches, please have a laugh, dont misinterpret or analyse this & waste you & others times. Life is to laugh, smile, have fun & only a sense of humor gives you a life. Remember laughter is the best medicine. So read this whole series of 2 books & laugh, share.

The 2 book series ends here. #HappyWeekend

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