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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Oct 9, 2021, 6 tweets

On Tom Barrack News (dismissing 2 of his high-priced defense attorneys)

I am ALWAYS suspicious of TIMING 'coincidences'

It is not ALWAYS connections but timing VERY OFTEN involves connection. What did we JUST learn this past week?

This past week we learned that Lev Parnas had attempted for 9 months to get a deal with Feds (SDNY) and the deal fell through. I time that failure at when Giuliani office was raided by FBI - which would yield SAME evidence Lev had been peddling to SDNY. Effectively wiped him out

Tom Barrack is a genuine smart man, self-made Billionaire who even after Trump wrecked his foreign businesses is worth half a Billion dollars today. He knows how to do proper cost-benefit analysis and understands NEGOTIATING POSITION. He saw what happened with Lev Parnas

Tom Barrack probably thought, when he was arrested, that he can hire an army of lawyers and has a reasonable chance to win. They have now studied Feds (EDNY) case against him and told him Tom, you will lose this.

And then it becomes a RACE WHO FLIPS FIRST

Tom Barrack faces a flipping contest against Allen Weisselberg, who is VERY likely to flip

And a SECOND flipping contest against Jared Kushner, who may have already flipped

And a THIRD flipping contest against Bill Barr

The longer Tom waits, the WORSE his deal will become

My guess is that firing the 2 expensive defense attorneys means Tom Barrack knows he will flip, and now is actively pursuing a deal with EDNY. When they reach preliminary agreement, Tom will change his plea and plead guilty - to a reduced sentence. Then they will negotiate more

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