CONFIRM JUDGE SCOTT COLOM 👨🏾‍⚖️ Profile picture

Oct 10, 2021, 8 tweets

The sheriff of Adams County is upset that juries find his suspects not guilty. Let's discuss!…

I was taught the standard is beyond a reasonable doubt. I don't know what "higher standard" the sheriff imagines.

Apropos of nothing, this is not a speedy trial.

The sheriff isn't even talking about his own department's case.

And the paper recites a great deal of assumptions on the part of the sheriff about the jurors without talking to the jurors directly.

No, if jurors doubt that the defendant is guilty, they should not convict out of a belief it will make the victim feel better.

The only thing that should matter to the jurors is whether they doubt the defendant's guilt.

This would have been a good idea for the reporter to do.

Their moment has passed? They are welcome to file civil lawsuits if they want.

The standard of proof in civil cases is a preponderance of evidence. The sheriff will love it!

The paper reports the sheriff's opinions about why the jurors don't convict, but the paper does not ask the jurors themselves.

The paper does contact everyone else conceivably involved, except for *checks notes* the defense and the witnesses. 🤦‍♂️

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