Sabhuku Temba P. Mliswa Profile picture
Fmr Indp MP-Norton&HW, Farmer, Businessman&FCiC-YARD. Former Chair:Mines&Energy, Edu&Sport, Agric&Lands Parly Committees,Ex-ZANUPFChair MashWest,CC Member

Oct 10, 2021, 5 tweets

You must never provoke animals, that way they will never attack you. They are great and will even protect you. The elephant will even warn you.

Did you know an elephant has a memory of about 20 years with that trunk. If you try to do anything to it and it hits you with that trunk it remembers for 20 years.

Black rhinos, sad how they have been poached. Few species left, but great animals. Managed to see all the big five of the jungle. It's amazing how animals cohabitate. Deep thinking is needed to understand& worth spending time reading about it.

Face to face with this cheetah. An amazing animal, swift and fast. They say it is hard to find because it's always hiding from the lion and leopards who will kill it. Amazing animal and the fastest too.

Here ready to take-off. It's a patient animals. Patience and timing is key to get itself some impalas.

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