Sabhuku Temba P. Mliswa Profile picture
Fmr Indp MP-Norton&HW, Farmer, Businessman&FCiC-YARD. Former Chair:Mines&Energy, Edu&Sport, Agric&Lands Parly Committees,Ex-ZANUPFChair MashWest,CC Member
15 subscribers
Feb 17 13 tweets 3 min read
1/One onerous burden of seeking asylum as a FALSE victim of politics is the need to frame and maintain your status as a victim facing death in your country. It leads one to create non-existent enemies. In serious instances, one starts to believe their lies. Ali Naka is one such ! 2/The guy has made a name for himself by constantly feeding social media exciting conspiracies& rumours none of which turns to be true. The agenda is to maintain his asylum by being strongly anti-government. I will return with more on this scheme for guys like him& Maswerasei.
Sep 13, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
I was invited to a SADCOPAC event and what I witnessed there was both saddening and tragic. I never imagined I would see something like that in terms of the behaviour of some MPs led by Hon Charlton Hwende, current Public Accounts Portfolio Committee Chairman. There was an AGM to elect new office bearers. Unfortunately the Hwende clique thought because the country has the current Chairmanship of SADC then it had a bye in getting the Chairmanship of SADCOPAC too. Their misguided and unruly actions decimated the decorum of the event!
Aug 10, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
My kids are back from school and while going through their report books I noticed that most of them performed badly in Shona despite it being their mother language. I asked why and the uniform answer was that they are not allowed to converse in Shona at school. @MoPSEZim is this Gvt policy? Many nations are so proud of their languages such that English has failed to dislodge their native tongues. The Chinese, the Spanish, South Africans, etc. Are we literally allowing our kids to be colonised with the teachers/schools as enablers?
Mar 5, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Now that some sanctions have been lifted we should begin to see the development which was being hindered by them. However, as I have always said, corruption remains the most lethal form of sanctions. It was never about sanctions but the corruption that is now embedded in us. It is better to keep sanctions and remove corruption, pilfering. That leaking pot is what is destroying this country. The US has been smart to lift some and still point the way at the endemic root of our travails, corruption. As long as corruption remains we are going nowhere.
Feb 8, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
The tragic reality for many CCC legislators, caught between Parliament& Chamisa, is that they are orphaned and disenfranchised. Many of them can no longer organise developmental meetings with their supposed supporters in constituencies due to divisions over staying or resigning. Resultantly, they are simply in Parliament for themselves. They no longer have the public mandate and confidence to represent those who voted for them. It's an unstable scenario where to stay means a short political career for some while to resign MAY be the trick to the future.
Oct 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I have been wondering why people think a GNU is a possible resolution to the current situation. The last time we had such it was because there had been a stalemate& Mugabe had no option but to accept the SA-brokered deal. Moreso, the MDCs had very strong footing in Parliament. ZANU–PF lost its majority in the House of Assembly for the first time since 1980, as the two factions of the MDC won most of the seats. Again, a month after the election the MDC factions merged which meant they had absolute control of Parliament.
Jun 26, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
1/The impeding elections have three players who are ED, Chamisa and a large body of the rest of the field combined. As I have said before ZANU-PF is in a bad state, the worst it has been for some time and a viable opposition could have taken it to the cleaners. 2/It stems from a variety of factors which include but are not limited to a poor economy, a blundering and meddling FAZ plus internecine divisions. However the main opposition, @CCCZimbabwe has itself become a blundering party, self-tripping and prone to suicidal tendencies.
Apr 13, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
As of now the main opposition is @CCCZimbabwe as @OurMDCT has become compromised as an opposition. Thus the cries by people like @Daddy for CCC to be proactive or to simply do more should be understood within the context of the people's expectations and how the party has fared. Corruption is the main issue in this country and it's important how the main opposition responds and deals with such an issue. Once it shows an incapacity or weakness to effectivelly ratchet pressure around such issues its use and effectiveness becomew doubtful.
Apr 12, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Today I attended the funeral of Mr James Tamson (95) who passed away in Norton’s Ward 7. A respectable gentleman, he was renowned in the Norton community as shown by the outpouring of condolences and attendance. ImageImage Also present was the Minister of Home Affairs and Mashonaland Central Chairperson Hon Kazembe Kazembe who is a family friend. Am glad that he was able to witness the unique peace and togetherness that Norton offers even in an electoral season. Image
Apr 11, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
@ZEC managed to complete the delimitation task and did well under conditions which were filled with tension. It fulfilled its mandate. In the context of the @DMwonzora application I however question the Portfolio Committee on Justice for failing to oversee the institution. The Portfolio Committee should have been hands-on to ascertain if all things were in order. It could have averted a lot of issues which came up after the report was completed. Knowing we have an election, this was the number one agenda.
Mar 30, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I will continue hammering home the point that FAZ elections were a farce because it's a travesty of democracy& a test run for the 2023 general elections by people who have a different agenda than the party. The elections are an incendiary bomb carefully placed in time for 2023! The system was under a trial run and by the time some of you realize it, it will be too late. An example is that of Chinotimba. His results were known long before the actual votes had been counted. This applied to many other people across the country.
Mar 30, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
George Charamba should be quiet& focus on his job instead of flapping around as he is doing. You are now losing it. I used to respect you& your work in the past but you are now losing it. Certain positions require a particular decorum unlike your actions. Respect us as a people. You are still in the system for your own safety because you squandered PSMAS money and know that you can be arrested if out. Don't lord yourself over everyone like that. Ushe madzoro. We can only tolerate such insolence up to a point.
Mar 29, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
An election must be free, fair& credible more so that of a ruling party. It's standard that in elections every candidate has their own agent. Ndiro ziso rako. It's strange having elections where voters tell officials the name of their preferred candidate who writes for them. In this instance people would inform the FAZ official who then writes down the name. Agents were not allowed inside though they must sign the V11 affirming factuality of results. The counting must also be done transparently with all agents present.
Mar 28, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This is a dangerous tribal statement Cde. When I spoke about tribal issues I cited the issue as a societal danger and even exhorted the nation that we work together. I'm not tribalistic& don't even believe in the segmentation of society along such crude lines in a single nation. Image There has never been an active objective to have a Karanga domination of politics or anything like that. Mashonaland West was itself liberated by ZIPRA, dominated by Ndebeles and they, like everyone else, have a right to operate there and everywhere in the country.
Mar 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Musangano wainge wakasimba kumacell but ikozvino wakasimba kuFAZ if you are now rigging even the Justice Minister. The election has been a systematic extermination of all the ED hardliners paving way for the dormant G40 agents. Musazoti Kasukuwere, he isn't in this. Image You can come up with a mini-Cabinet from the list of those removed. Now the challenge with the disgruntlements is whether the supposed winning candidates are credible enough to win general elections. Do they have the actual support to win the party against the opposition.
Mar 26, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
A huge percentage of all those tussling to come in under ZANU PF are people who simply want to "come in and eat". That is their mindset and it has nothing to do with a developmental orientation or national reforms of any kind. It's not ambition premised on ideas &this is scary! It's unfortunate because the system swallows even those who were actually effective and allow opportunists to emerge winners. Chinotimba was an effective MP whose loss is a negative on the account of the country. He could debate and work on the ground. Why remove such a person?
Mar 26, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
FAZ had its own candidates in each constitutlency. Within that context how then do you allow them to run elections when they are an interested party? The President will lose the most here. Chinhu chaTapfumaneyi ichi. Their favourite statement is that I insulted the President. Where? The Al Jazeera documentary is one of the biggest red flags which should get some people thinking. The internal fights are serious. There is no credibility anymore.
Mar 26, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
FAZ is dangerous, the same with Heritage. They have created their own candidates& verification systems. All things which should be the duty of the Commissariat they have taken upon themselves. Many have failed to vote with names missing and so much shadiness around the polls. They have been writing stupid reports some of which get to the President yet they are full of lies. On Thursday they accused me of firing shots yet I wasn't even there. I was in Shurugwi giving bicycles to the headmen. They even said I insulted the President, which is all lies.
Mar 25, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
#BREAKING-The current Zanu PF primary elections have been an utter fiasco of manufactured winners and use of illegal parallel structures. At the centre of the mess is the Forever Associates of Zimbabwe (FAZ) led by Deputy Director of CIO Rtd Brigadier Tapfumaneyi. FAZ has been pushing for former G40 members to be organically voted into the ZANU PF system through these elections. The ultimate output will be a body of MPs and Senators that are anti-ED. There is no transparency in the elections at all.
Mar 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Last week we had a great field day at Mr and Mrs Nyazviranga's farm in Ward 14. They have managed a bumper harvest. I also donated maize seed to all the farmers who were present at the field day as I am a top farmer of 437 Seedco seed maize in the country. When you have a giving heart you don't give only when it's politically convenient.
Mar 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Stick to one story& do not create these false versions. I never terrorised anyone as you say. The facts are these. Gerald was the Chairman of Rydings and they decided to sell cattle as they didn't have money. I bought those cattle and the proof is there. @MamoyoT I'm still owed cattle by the school but for that time we helped it as it was broke. White people had abandoned it at the height of the Land Reform. We helped the school& even brought in many black people as it used to be dominated by white people. Tales of terrorism are false.