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Marsilio is Musing about the next best moves in markets. Technicals & Timing FTW!!

Oct 10, 2021, 12 tweets

Before the regular routine, I'm going to share a few astro data studies on weekday for SPX

Realize most of you are crypto fans, and this is also for the astro fluent, but some of this pretty cool

Too many tweets to go through everything, so selection of notable charts ahead

All charts current rally environment 4/1/2020-10/1/2021

By weekday avg % return

1 = Monday
2 = Tues
3 = Weds
4 = Thurs
5 = Fri

I've also looked at more data and current pattern is not in play all the time - Mondays actually more negative, historically

For Mondays only, here are results split by Moon sign (9:30 ET)

Not sure why Sag & Pisces negative, but for the astro fluent there is a pattern

Keep in mind, very limited incidence:
1.5 years about = 18 months
4 Mondays a month, approx
72 Monday / 12 signs = ~6 each

Now adding one more layer and this is the Moon term at 9:30 am, actually showing term-sign combos here

Term of Mercury the worst with more negatives
Venus, Mars, & Jup best - but Jup outlier pulling up

Again, Mondays only here

Tuesdays only

Now we are looking at Mars signs, plus motion (Mars Rx only in 1 sign during this period)

Astro fluent - can I get a *holy sh!t* here?

I mean, at least for the big negatives Cancer & Libra


Merc Rx might not have been bad overall, but it did knock Wednesdays...

Same data period, 4/1/2020-10/1/2021
Wednesday only
SPX avg % daily return

Wednesdays only

Still showing motion, adding signs

So Merc Rx negative across signs, for Wednesdays

Thursdays only

Jupiter motion also impacting Thursdays - and keep in mind how much this total period was up

Thursdays only

This chart has a lot going on, but if you are fluent & familiar with my methods, it should make sense

Term - Motion - Sign

So during this period, Jupiter only direct in Aqu-Merc

Terms of Venus have been for 3 signs, plus Rx for 2 of them

So, note Jupiter Rx in term of Mars - Thursday only - negative

Not sure why term of Jupiter negative, but there still can be randomness in this data, esp low incidence

Only 4 Thursdays with Jupiter direct in Aqu-Jup


Now a simpler chart

Friday avg SPX % return
Split by Venus term position at 9:30 ET


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