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Oct 11, 2021, 8 tweets

VIDEO THREAD: Today supporters and family of Ashli Babbitt including her parents and husband held a "Texas Loves Ashli Babbitt" rally at a country club in Freeport, Texas, where they celebrated what would have been her 36th birthday and condemned her January 6 shooting death.

Former President Trump spoke at the Ashli Babbitt birthday commemoration via pre-recorded video: "Her memory will live on in our hearts for all time."

"There was no reason Ashli should have lost her life that day. We must all demand justice for Ashli and her family," Trump said.

"She went to Washington to help us see the light, like the millions that also heard the call" sang 'Texas Loves Ashli Babbit' organizer Al Manica.

"But the Democrats that took our love away, you know they shot her, they shot her down. Pelosi. Schumer. Harris. Buh buh buh Biden."

"They squashed the movement that day," said Ashli Babbitt's mother, Micki Witthoeft.

"They killed my daughter, and they jailed patriots, and they said 'look what happens when you question us.'"

"F*** off and die, Nancy Pelsoi!" she said to cheers.

"We will get justice for Ashli Babbitt, you daughter, our sister," said Eric Braden, a Texas nationalist running for governor.

"We seek peace through non-violent actions," he said.

"This man that did this deserves justice," he said referring to USCP Lt. Michael Byrd.

"We ask you to anoint us with your holy spirit," prayed Pastor Edward Smith at Ashli Babbitt rally.

"To stand our ground to be the lions and lionesses you ask us to be. No longer are we lambs. We're lions and we are to stand and fight against a serpent and tell him 'no more.'"

Congressman @DrPaulGosar appeared by video at the "Texas Loves Ashli Babbitt" birthday rally.

He says he continues to demand answers "as the family and indeed all Americans deserve full transparency and accountability surrounding the murder of Ashli."

I asked Ashli Babbitt's mother what she thinks justice for her daughter would look like.

She wants Capitol Police reform, while clarifying that she supports police but doesn't view USCP as police.

Also changes in voting system; she still believes election was stolen from Trump.

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