Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Oct 11, 2021, 35 tweets

Giuliani Oct Thread 1/

As we await Rudy Giuliani's arrest, let's do an update to the biggest criminal cases Rudy faces, and how this Giuliani path will take Trump to prison for life (separate from Weisselberg path that also takes Trump to prison for life)

Our October update

Giuliani Oct Thread 2/

Donald Trump faces 5 paths that EACH take him to prison for life:

1. Weisselberg (NY taxes)
2. Giuliani (Ukraine)
3. Matt Gaetz (selling Presidential pardons)
4. Roger Stone (Jan 6th)
5. Tom Barrack (UAE & Qatar)

Trump ALSO faces many lesser lawsuits

Giuliani Oct Thread 3/

The BIGGEST Giuliani crimes are 7:
1. Ukraine
2. Venezuela
3. Turkey
4. Arizona Big Lie
5. Georgia Big Lie
6. Jan 6th Insurrection
7. 'Pre 2019' Mystery Crime/s

There are DOZENS more. I only look at these 7

Giuliani Oct Thread 4/

Giuliani went on a wanton crime spree for about a year. It is likely biggest crime spree in US history when measured by separate crimes personally committed by one individual

He CONFESSED them. Why did Rudy do this? He foolishly believed in a Trump pardon

Giuliani Oct Thread 5/

When it comes to slam-dunk criminal CONVICTIONS, there is no serial criminal more pathetic than Giuliani. He has confessed most of his crimes, openly and proudly to live TV showing no remorse. And there is huge paper trail of evidence for it all

Giuliani Oct Thread 6/

Rudy's FIRST criminal case is Ukraine. You will remember some of these details from Trump Impeachment 1. Had Trump been smart, he would have tossed Rudy under the bus back then in 2019. Republicans were begging Trump to do that

Giuliani Oct Thread 7/

Giuliani Ukraine is TWO crimes, for two clients, with two separate victims. Both conducted by Rudy.

For Trump, Rudy EXTORTED the country of Ukraine

For Putin, Rudy arranged FIRING of USA Ambassador to Ukraine disliked by Russia

Giuliani Oct Thread 8/

Most reading my Thread have no idea how serious the SECOND Ukraine crime is (Putin)

Giuliani committed a crime against the United States of America, on behalf of our enemy, Russia

It is akin to an act of war against USA

Rudy could face the death penalty

Giuliani Oct Thread 9/

The Ambassador to a sovereign nation is legally the SAME as the United States. An Ambassador is the highest ranking US representative except for handful mentioned in the Constitution. Ambassador OUTRANKS Senators, Governors, Generals, visiting that country

Giuliani Oct Thread 9/

Giuliani took money from Putin (via Putin-associated oligarch Firtash, who paid via Lev Parnas) and went to remove the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Yovanovich. This was what Bolton called Rudy's corrupt drug deal. We know the facts

Rudy CONFESSED this on CNN

Giuliani Oct Thread 10/

It would not be a crime for a US citizen to complain about an official, including an Ambassador. But for the personal attorney to the President of USA to take money from our ENEMY, and then go remove one of our ambassadors - that is treasonous behavior

Giuliani Oct Thread 11/

This crime ALONE is slam dunk criminal conviction, even REPUBLICANS agreed it was a CRIME (by Giuliani)

I do not EXPECT the death penalty. I hope not

But Rudy faces Remaining Life in Prison Without Parole for this one crime alone. Federal prison

Giuliani Oct Thread 12/

Rudy is TERRIFIED of prison. He is a former federal prosecutor who sent MAFIA criminals to prison for life. There is no prison where he is safe. He has to spend his total time in solitary confinement

He BLACKMAILED Trump trying to get Presidential pardon

Giuliani Oct Thread 13/

It is therefore CERTAIN that Giuliani will flip on Trump, and fast. Because he will try to reduce his own total prison time

Now on US Ambassador, Trump can claim Trump was a VICTIM to an evil Rudy plot. So Trump was conned. I do not expect THIS on Trump

Giuliani Oct Thread 14/

But the OTHER crime with Ukraine - extorting a sovereign nation by US President - that is on Trump and Rudy was his point man

This is Giuliani rogue foreign policy (for Trump) against USA formal foreign policy (led by Pompeo). Here Rudy will blame Trump

Giuliani Oct Thread 15/

This type of foreign policy interference is very serious. Various official will do time for this, including Pompeo. Rudy faces maybe 20 years and Trump faces the same. Extortion by government official is so serious, it is listed as an impeachable offence

Giuliani Oct Thread 16/

When is Giuliani arrest?

The FBI raided his office 3 months ago & seized mountains of evidence & 18 digital devices

That evidence has been reviewed by 'Special Master' (an ex-judge, did same in Michael Cohen office raid) to protect client-privilege info

Giuliani Oct Thread 17/

Understand FBI raid of attorney

Feds had to convince judge for search warrant:

1. Evidence of crime EXISTS in that office

2. Cannot be gotten any other way (like through the wiretaps they had on Rudy)

3. Evidence will not be produced under subpoena

Giuliani Oct Thread 18/

Item 3 in above - if Feds have ANY proof that Rudy will destroy incriminating evidence in his possession, then judge will instantly approve the FBI raid (assuming 1 & 2)

If FBI raid was a mistake, we would have learned immediately. But no. Rudy is done

Giuliani Oct Thread 19/

Rudy Giuliani arrest happens a few days after Special Master finishes reviewing the evidence FBI found in the raid. I expect that is about done. She may finish literally any day this week. Rudy is arrested shortly thereafter

Giuliani Oct Thread 20/

There was CRIMINAL ESCALLATION in Sept. I had 6 serious crimes I track for Giuliani. I've now added 7th. Rudy took the Special Master process to the judge, in futile attempt to hide older crime/s. Like teenager telling mom 'you may not search this drawer'

Giuliani Oct Thread 21/

There is(are) OLDER crime(s) on Rudy's phones or laptops from BEFORE 2019 - that the FBI was not aware of. These are LIKELY the 'insurance' crimes that Rudy used to blackmail Trump, but we do not KNOW what crimes & how many. That evidence is PRESERVED

Giuliani Oct Thread 22/

Like any Mafia trial, the boss is tried last:

1. Igor Fruman & Lev Parnas
2. Giuliani
3. Pompeo, Bill Barr, Jared Kushner
4. Trump

Fruman already pleaded guilty. Lev is in court right now & will lose. Giuliani will be next.

Giuliani Oct Thread 23/

When Giuliani flips, he has to confess to ALL his crimes, and he has to testify against ALL his co-criminals. Those in turn will mostly hate Rudy, and will be eager to blame it all on Rudy instead. But AFTER Ukraine trial, Rudy will confess the other 6

Giuliani Oct Thread 24/

Giuliani crimes 2 & 3 are foreign policy crimes similar to Ukraine, extortion plots for Trump (and/or others).

Giuliani 2 is Venezuela (not necessarily Trump)

Giuliani 3 is Turkey (most def Trump)

There are OTHER foreign policy crimes too like Poland

Giuliani Oct Thread 25/

Giuliani 4 & 5 are the biggest of his Big Lie crimes (that we know of), ie Arizona & Georgia (there are more states). Rudy confessed these too & there are mountains of evidence & Rudy's CIVIL lawsuits (Dominion case etc) have tons of evidence against him.

Giuliani Oct Thread 26/

Giuliani 6 is his most evil crime, participating in January 6th planning. I have this as a separate path for Trump to prison, under Roger Stone, which is faster than this Rudy Giuliani path to the same crime. So I just count Rudy's part in Jan 6th here

Giuliani Oct Thread 27/

Giuliani 7 is the cliff-hanger season-ending double feature. The mystery crimes. The older crimes Giuliani had on his phones/laptops, from before 2019. These are likely the insurance against Trump. They COULD go back to Rudy time as SDNY prosecutor even..

Giuliani Oct Thread 28/

Because Giuliani is so paranoid about those older crimes (bearing in mind, he faces potential DEATH PENALTY for Ukraine) - it has to be really serious. Is it about the Trump witness 'helicopter accident' in 1989 or what? Very possibly Mafia related.

Giuliani Oct Thread 29/

Some Trumpomobsters MAY fight it, go bravely to prison and take their medicine. Rudy will not. He will fold like a cheap Trump suit made in China by child labor and out of low quality imitation wool substitute.

Rudy will confess to all these 7 crimes.

Giuliani Oct Thread 30/

My original count of Rudy 6 crimes was 130 years. It is now with 7th, upgraded to 150 years

The Trump Giuliani-related prison time I counted was 75 years, now 95 years

Rudy will flip to cut his time. As Mafia boss, Trump is last to be tried: cannot flip

PS - SORRY, I forgot Collateral Damage part:

Giuliani 7 criminal cases get us:
Bill Barr
And lots of Trump attorneys from Big Lie

If Roger Stone path has delays to Jan 6th, Rudy will also deliver all Jan 6th planners:
Erik Prince
Gen Flynn
Roger Stone
Don Jr


This Thread was filmed entirely on location at Four Seasons Total Landscaping (parking lot, next to porn shop)

As Himself - Buttdial McRudypants
As Himself - Rudy Colludy
Giuliani Wardrobe by Ivanka Trump Discount Collection
Giuliani hair dye by L'Oreal Mascara

Beans by Goya
Bedding by My Pillow
Legal services by Kraken
Andrew Giuliani by Gary Busey
Hannity appearance courtesy of Fox Noise Channel
Tucker Carlson is Fuckered at the Gaetz of Hell
Nazi Salutes by Laura Ingraham
Three Toes by Marjorie

Pants 'adjusted' by Giuliani

All stunts including custom farts performed by Rudy Giuliani

Out takes available on Sasha Cohen DVD

Screenplay by HatRat
Direction by T Dawg
Produced by The Seventh Steve

No vampires, bats or gargoles were harmed in the creation of this Thread

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