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Oct 11, 2021, 8 tweets

👏A huge thanks to everyone who took part in our event during #CPC21.

⚠️ Covid IDs will not protect public health but will lead us to a checkpoint society.⚠️

@JuliaHB1 | @SteveBakerHW | @DavidDavisMP | @MorrisseyHelena | @SirGrahamBrady | @CGreenUK


'Not only are vaccine passports illiberal, they are also deceptively dangerous,'

@DavidDavisMP says Covid IDs will have the opposite effect of that which is intended.

'It's the job of the politician to say no, we're going to restrain power because the price you demand is just too great...'

@SteveBakerHW on the need to stand up to coercion and rebel against discriminatory & divisive Covid IDs.

'The problem is once we start down this road, we can't peel it back'

@MorrisseyHelena says that vaccine passports will not stop at Covid and we need to resist mission creep.

"You can't take our #civilliberties away and expect us to work for it"

@CGreenUK asks for more cross-party support to defeat Covid IDs and questions the double standards set by the Government.

‘Vaccine passports would lock in the powers that have shifted to the state from the citizen and make it something that would go on forever and that is something that we must resist with every sinew of our bodies’

@SirGrahamBrady ends with a powerful message of defiance.

🎥You can rewatch the whole event on our YouTube channel.

Don't forget to like & subscribe. ⤵️…

Today is the LAST DAY to submit evidence to the Government's consultation on Covid passports.

We've made a handy guide on how to fill it out⤵️…

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