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šŸ‘A huge thanks to everyone who took part in our event during #CPC21.

āš ļø Covid IDs will not protect public health but will lead us to a checkpoint society.āš ļø

@JuliaHB1 | @SteveBakerHW | @DavidDavisMP | @MorrisseyHelena | @SirGrahamBrady | @CGreenUK

#NoCovidID ImageImageImage
'Not only are vaccine passports illiberal, they are also deceptively dangerous,'

@DavidDavisMP says Covid IDs will have the opposite effect of that which is intended.
'It's the job of the politician to say no, we're going to restrain power because the price you demand is just too great...'

@SteveBakerHW on the need to stand up to coercion and rebel against discriminatory & divisive Covid IDs.
Read 8 tweets
We kinda tuned out of watching @bbcquestiontime for a wee while but we wish we had watched it last night.

It seems that the carefully chosen audience started a revolt...
... The Pig Cull situation is explained better by @Minette_Batters...
... the absolute ridiculousness of the situation is ably explained by this lady...
Read 14 tweets
Empathy, as in recognising, understanding, and *sharing* the emotional state/experience of others, is a vital ability of the human brain. It makes us what we are.
However, one problem is, that our own emotions and experiences can distort the process.

Here's more #BrainStuff

A surprising amount of our brain's processes are geared towards detecting, recognising, and recreating the emotions of others. We're constantly, often without realising, broadcasting our inner state, and human brains have evolved to recognise and interpret these cues.

As I say, we often don't even realise this is happening. You ever walked into a room after a huge argument has happened and immediately felt uncomfortable, or noted a 'frosty atmosphere'? That's what's happening there.

Read 21 tweets
Boris Johnson:

'Isn't it amazing to be back here in person?'

Boris Johnson:

'For months we've had one of the most open economies and societies'

Boris Johnson:

'Let's hear it for Jon Bon Govey'

'Living proof that we, you all, represent the most jiving, hip, happening and funkopolitan party in the world'

Read 26 tweets

The Tory Party, as it has done throughout the pandemic, is continuing to use communication techniques to push an agenda:

The Great Reset ā€” #BuildBackBetter

Hereā€™s how they do it, & why we all need to raise awareness of these deceitful tacticsšŸ‘‡šŸ»
If you want a flavour of what Britainā€™s leading political party is now pushing, you only have to analyse its packed conference schedule #CPC21 which (thankfully) ends today.

Over the 4 days, there were 340 conference sessions, panel debates, & themed stands
From the 340 sessions, almost a third (31.9%) had the following words in the title:

ā€¢ Levelling up: 10.3%
ā€¢ Build Back Better (or variation): 4.1%
ā€¢ Green/climate change/environment: 5.8%
ā€¢ Carbon/Net zero: 7%
ā€¢ Covid/pandemic: 4.7%

These are todayā€™s closing speechesā€¦
Read 21 tweets
So @BorisJohnson will use #CPC21 speech to define 'levelling up'...but can it be more than a slogan? Can he change the social and economic geography of Britain?

If you fancy going beyond the bloviation, check this five-part series by brill @FT writers/1ā€¦
@BorisJohnson @FT We look at four big areas, and interrogate if there is the money, the ambition and the courage to make a difference

- Net Zero
- Skills revolution
- Science Superpower
- Immigration reform

Each throws up a unique set of challenges, but each has real possibilities/2
@BorisJohnson @FT The question -- and the one that I found much more debated at #cpc21 fringes than the polices themselves -- is whether @BorisJohnson has the chops to deliver them in a joined up way. To govern strategically and not -- as @MichaelBarber9 calls it -- "government by spasm" /3
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1./ CPC21 has been full of wonderful, unexpected encounters that remind us no one has all the answers. Including us. Within the space of an hour today we spoke to a clutch of MPs who agreed with us but couldnā€™t speak out. Then a real life man of the cloth came up for a chat.šŸ‘‡
2./ What we know about religion could probably be written on the back of one of our tiny stickers weā€™ve been giving out supporting free speech. šŸ‘‡ So imagine our surprise when the Rev Alan Kennedy said he was a huge supporter. Who knew?
3./ While Alan, like us, supports trans rights he believes sexual orientation and gender identity are so different they require different organisations. But might a picture with him, we asked, feed the fictional claim weā€™ve support from reactionary religious types? šŸ˜¬šŸ„±šŸ™„
Read 7 tweets
It is genuinely hard to see how some of the @Conservatives defending things coming out of #cpc21 can claim to have any semblance of a commitment to "conservativism". Funnily enough, this isn't a "get" at Conservatives though. Some of the biggest issues are apolitical. 1/
When you see the language and attacks from likes of Raab and Patel though, and the cheers which they received, you have to wonder what happened to some of the old school, small state, individual liberties, Conservatives. 2/
I grew up in a household of them. My mum used to collect Margaret Thatcher memorabilia. Pretty much my first memories are of sitting watching her in Council Meetings, where she was a Conservative Councillor. Before she died she was about to run for Parliament. 3/
Read 25 tweets
Itā€™s the theme of #cpc21. But is levelling up anything more than a slogan? In case you missed it my piece from last nightā€™s @BBCNewsnight, produced by @hattmarris84ā€¦
As you might know Iā€™ve been trying to pin ministers down on exactly what the definition of levelling up even is. Initially there was a sense it was about rebalancing output between regions. Increasingly it now seems to be about economic growth everywhere, something in which...
...fundamentally every government, well, ever has believed (and many had more comprehensive regional policies than weā€™re seeing today). Indeed increasingly itā€™s being used as a synonym for general improvement (ā€œlevelling up education, levelling up health, transport etc)...
Read 9 tweets
So @GeorgeFreemanMP is talking at #CPC21 event on #brexit and regulation. He wants ā€œconvergenceā€ for existing industries so boardrooms wonā€™t leave. And ā€œdivergenceā€ for future industriesā€¦without asking why what works for one, wouldnā€™t work for the other?? /1
He says he backed remain because no-one in Life Sciences wanted to #brexit, but now sees deregulatory future ā€œdynamic, agileā€ etc.

E-scooters data test bed is his example. U.K. sets standard and then export internationallyā€¦but to what standard? šŸ¤Æ/2
He then lionised the Medicines and Medical devices regulator @MHRAgovuk and itā€™s boss June Raine for delivering #Covid_19 vaccine. Not mention of why cutting 20%-25% of MHRA jobs /3ā€¦
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Between 2010-11 & 2019-20, Englandā€™s total no. of #NHS hospital beds fell by 11%, from 144,455 to 128,943. The number of available general & acute beds fell by 8%, from 110,568, to 102,194.ā€¦
- Defund the NHS
- Demonise the NHS
- Underpay its workers
- Put a tax hike onto them
- Drive them out of their jobs
- Make the case for privatisation
1. Underfund
2. Leave the EU, lose staff
3. Corrupt Ā£Billions
4. Lower realterms pay
5. Demoralise to point of suicide
6. Raise NI
7. Offer Private Healthcare as solution
8. Publish Anti-GP propaganda
9. Publish Anti-NHS propaganda
Read 5 tweets
This Priti Patel speech is so much sneakier than Rishi's but much more dangerous...
Never mind... She's dropped the subtlety now.
I was really hoping this would be a short one as I'm still working on something else, but... that was a lot.
Read 4 tweets
This is just one unhinged draconian soundbite after another. Ending freedom to protest. Increasing prohibition on drugs, because that's worked so well. None of what she is suggesting is going to make Britain "safer" #CPC21
Jesus, the smirk when saying "ended free movement". Not sure I'd boast about "building back better" and recruiting "skilled migrants" right now to tbh @pritipatel
"Where there is a door there must be a doorkeeper". Give me strength. 98% of those crossing the channel seek asylum so the "majority are economic migrants" line is pure bs
Read 20 tweets

Civil Liberties in a Crisis: Conservatives against Covid IDs.

#CPC21 | @DavidDavisMP | @JuliaHB1 (Chair) | @SteveBakerHW | @CGreenUK | @MorrisseyHelena | @SirGrahamBrady | #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere

Do you have a question to ask the panel?

Comment below ā¤µļø
long-serving civil liberties defender @DavidDavisMP is opening our event.

Watch Live:
Read 5 tweets
šŸŒ³ Weā€™re off ā€” Barriers to a Green Revolution at #CPC21

šŸ˜Š Free market environmentalism can lead to a greener, freer, more prosperous society for future generations.

šŸ—£ @AusHCUK, @CSkidmoreUK, @Con_Tomlinson, and @DrRussTucker
@AusHCUK says the key first barrier to a green revolution is the over reliance on state-based solutions ā€” it depends on countless individual investors and billions of consumers.

Governments can set a framework but state-based, top-down solutions wonā€™t make a difference.
@AusHCUK says Australiaā€™s ambition is to reach net zero ā€œas soon as we can, preferably by 2050ā€ ā€” by developing the technologies to enable the transition. Just announcing a target doesnā€™t make it a reality.
Read 18 tweets
Rishi Sunak speech getting underway at #cpc21

ā€œI believe in fiscal responsibility.ā€ Says ā€œjust racking up bills for future generations to payā€ is ā€œimmoral.ā€
Fascinating. Sunak re-establishing his position as the last Osbornite in the Cabinet: ā€œWe should all be grateful to my predecessors and their 10 years of sound Conservative management of our economy. They believed in fiscal responsibilityā€¦ I believe in fiscal responsibility.ā€
Considering how dominant Boris Johnson is and the fact he could easily be around for the next ten years, the clear jockeying from Sunak/Truss at this conf is quite something.
Read 9 tweets
Another big day in the @CPSThinkTank Theatre at #cpc21 - at 11am Iā€™ll be asking how SMEs can fix the housing shortage with @EddieHughes4WN and others. Then at 1230 weā€™ve got @FrankLuntz & @GoodwinMJ in conversation with @JohnAshmore.
Then weā€™re asking how clean free trade can help the planet (1400), launching our Road to Net Zero series with @aviva (and @andrealeadsom, @BenHouchen and @FrankLuntz) at 1530, and bridging the digital divide with @mattwarman & Patricia Hewitt at 1700.
Finally, Iā€™m in conversation with Foreign Secretary @trussliz at 1830. Join us for any/all of the above - full details at
Read 4 tweets
If you're at #cpc21, make sure you get into the secure zone in time for our blockbuster opening panel - @FrankLuntz, @SirGrahamBrady, @KateAndrs, Michael Spencer & me on the state and future of conservatism. 1400 in @CPSThinkTank Theatre by the main stageā€¦
After that at 1530 we've got four of the Tories' brightest young MPs to explain/explore what levelling up means, with @alysdenby of @CapX - @DehennaDavison, @BimAfolami, @alex_stafford & @garethdavies_MP
Followed at 1700 by the great @theresecoffey with @jameskirkup, @JamesHeywood & Gavin Rice of @csjthinktank on the Tory agenda for welfare. All welcome! (There may even be free stuff.)
Read 5 tweets
1./ Who are we and why are we at the Conservative Party Conference this week? Here are some selections from our website that may provide answers. Above all, we believe in protecting children and young people from the imposition of strange ideologies.šŸ‘‡
2./ We were, for example, delighted when the BBC withdrew its ā€œeducationalā€ video which informed children that there were over 100 genders. News to us. We wrote on numerous occasions to complain about this wholly unscientific and confusing notion being taught to kids. šŸ‘‡
3./ We defend robustly the factual reality of biology which institutions -from schools to the NHS- seem increasingly to undermine. We do this, in large part, because our rights in law as LGB people are rooted in the reality of two sexes, the binary, of male and female.šŸ‘‡
Read 6 tweets
Can the Tories Change their Stripes?

Levelling up, furlough support, Green Economy...
Are they Lefties now? #CPC21
Full Disclosure:

Here's the full clip of Johnson's Croydon vs Strathclyde comment.

Even if what he said was true, he's talking about 'Trickle-North' economics, which proves he promoted the policies that neglected the parts of the country he now says he wants to 'Level-Up'.
Read 3 tweets

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