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I help traders identify & capitalize on strength in the market // Head of TA for Stock Talk Insiders // Free Newsletter https://t.co/dgkZrWtjQ6

Oct 12, 2021, 13 tweets

Today's Charts To Watch


$LUV Daily Chart

Still have a 1-2 setup on the trendline breakout.

#PupWaves @TrendSpider

$BROS 30 Minute Chart

You know The Pup loves his coffee, bro!

#PupWaves @TrendSpider

$AFRM 30 Min

$BA 30 Minute

$DDOG 30 Min

$NET 30 Minute chart

Hitting the 1.382 #Fibonacci extension level

#PupCharts @TrendSpider

$ABNB 30 Minute Chart

#PupCharts @TrendSpider

$UPST 30 Min Chart

On the move, $330 next.

#PupCharts @TrendSpider

$LTHM 30 Min

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