Friends, Families & Travellers Profile picture
A leading national charity working to get a fair deal for Gypsies, Roma and Travellers. Secretariat to the @APPGGTR.

Oct 12, 2021, 6 tweets

It's National Hate Crime Awareness Week.

The race hate experienced by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people cannot continue and must be dealt with wherever it appears, online and in real life.

There's #NoPlaceForHate and every space must be safe, for everyone. #NationalHCAW (1/6)

A report by @GateHerts provides a rundown of the psychological impact of hate on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people.

Many respondents stressed the corrosive
effect on mental health and wellbeing of hate speech and discrimination.

Read:… (2/6)

No one, at any age, should have to say these words.

No one should have to carry the burden for things they have not done.

Everyone should feel safe, validated and respected.

Everyone deserves to live free from hate.

Social Media companies have to do more. Now. (3/6)

We worked with @ABAonline to produce a report on the experiences of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils.

Education should be a life-affirming experience that equips you with the confidence to succeed. There is #NoPlaceForHate in schools.

Read:… (4/6)

Hate is not normal. It is not normal for your world to be an endless cycle of justifying your existence.

You are exactly where you're supposed to be. It's the hate that has no place here. #NoPlaceForHate (5/6)

Note: Image is from a performance of @CrystalsVardo.

If you have been the victim of a hate crime, you do not have to suffer alone.

Our helpline is there to support you, and we work with @ReportRacismGRT to help you report any incidents to the police.

If you are in immediate danger, always dial 999. (6/6)

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