Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Oct 12, 2021, 7 tweets

Hurricane Pamela is a special storm, on a special trajectory, into very high mountains at a good clip. This shows five days of water/energy animation.

Pamela's main water mass dissipates on the Pacific Coast and then reappears in Texas.

And that stream of water doesn't stop till it gets to Canada. This animation is over five days. And watch how that dry air blast from the North West clears nearly all the moisture off of the United States in Pamela's wake.

Here's two rain forecasts for Mexico. The first (GFS) for 10 days. The second (@ECMWF) for three and a half days. Which is all its going to take for most of this to happen

And here's a seven day rain forecast for Pamela.

And the jet stream winds during this seven day period.

Put it all together and Hurricane Pamela is expected to travel from the Mexico Pacific Coast to the North Atlantic in 120 hours. And in between she looks capable of doing a fair bit of damage.

In the next five days Hurricane Pamela's remnants are expected to tear across North America, some 3155 miles in 120 hours, at an average speed of 27 mph (50 kmh).

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