.@AyannaPressley @repmarkpocan @RepRaskin @RepKatiePorter @RepRoKhanna @RepKarenBass @RepBarbaraLee @RepDebDingell @RepRaulGrijalva @Ilhan @RepChuyGarcia @RashidaTlaib @CoriBush @JamaalBowmanNY @Marie4Congress @RepJayapal @MondaireJones @SenSanders @AOC:
Read The Entire Thread.
Obamacare = Affordable Care Act = ACA = Mitt Romney's Healthcare = Republican Healthcare from the 1990s have not taken care of every single human beings throughout the USA.
As a matter of a fact, ACA have done the opposite. ACA took care & helped the Wall St.
Right now. There are:
1. > 30 Million human beings uninsured
2. > 85 Million human beings underinsured
3. > 17 Million human beings lost their Healthcare due to Pandemic
The current For Profit Healthcare (Medical Industrial Complex) System has been a major driver of abnormal
income & wealth inequality.
Meanwhile, 33 Countries in the world have Universal Healthcare System; Medicare For All.
But every single human beings in the USA cannot have Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System? Why?
There were multiple chances of
pursuing M4A Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System in the past.
Let me repeat that again.
There were multiple chances of pursuing M4A Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System in the past.
For example:
1. Obama Administration could've done it but he gave
HR 3590 Affordable Care Act, a Republican Healthcare; which basically was a giveaway for the Wall St For Profit Medical Industrial Complex Healthcare System
2. Democrats in House could've brought out & pushed for Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy
System in 2017 when Republicans in House were preparing & pushing for HR 1628 Bill
Wait. What?
Could Obama've given every single human beings in the USA a Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System?
And could Democrats in House have
brought out & pushed for Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System on the House floor in 2017?
Are you confused?
Come. Let me & Frank Puig, @frank_puig, explain everything step by step.
.@AyannaPressley @repmarkpocan @RepRaskin @RepKatiePorter @RepRoKhanna @RepKarenBass @RepBarbaraLee @RepDebDingell @RepRaulGrijalva @Ilhan @RepChuyGarcia @RashidaTlaib @CoriBush @JamaalBowmanNY @Marie4Congress @RepJayapal @MondaireJones @SenSanders:
Are you paying attention?
There were four Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy Bills existed in the past:
1. HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill by Rep Conyers Jr
2. S 1804 Medicare for All Act of 2017 Bill by @SenSanders
3. HR 1384 Medicare for All Act of
2019 Bill by @RepJayapal
4. S 1129 Medicare for All Act of 2019 Bill by @SenSanders
Currently, there is HR 1976 Medicare for All Act of 2021 Bill by @RepJayapal with 117 Cosponsors in the House. But I don't know if her Bill was killed by her House Leader @SpeakerPelosi.
Now let's take a look at how many Cosponsors do each Medicare For All Human Right Healthcare Policy Bill had:
1. HR 676 Bill had 124 Cosponsors
2. S 1804 Bill had 16 Cosponsors
3. HR 1384 Bill had 118 Cosponsors
4. S 1129 Bill had 14 Cosponsors
Rep Conyers Jr introduced his HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill in 2003 with 25 Cosponsors.
He reintroduced his HR 676 Bill every year from 2003 through 2017. In 2018, his Bill had 124 Cosponsors.
Can you see how Obama could've given Medicare For All?
Rep Conyers Jr's HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill:
1. Introduced in 2003 with 25 Cosponsors
2. Reintroduced annually from 2003 through 2017
3. Had 124 Cosponsors in 2018
In 2009, Democrats controlled both the House & the Senate.
So! Obama've given every single human beings in the USA a M4A Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System because:
1. Dems controlled both the House & the Senate in 2009
2. Rep Conyers Jr's HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill was sitting right there
.@AyannaPressley @repmarkpocan @RepRaskin @RepKatiePorter @RepRoKhanna @RepKarenBass @RepBarbaraLee @RepDebDingell @RepRaulGrijalva @Ilhan @RepChuyGarcia @RashidaTlaib @CoriBush @JamaalBowmanNY @Marie4Congress @RepJayapal @MondaireJones @SenSanders:
Are you taking the notes?
How could Democrats in House have brought out & pushed for Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System on the House floor in 2017?
Weren't the Republicans controlling the House & the Senate in 2017?
Yes. Republicans controlled both
the House & the Senate in 2017.
Then how in the world could Democrats in House have brought out & pushed for Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System on the House floor in 2017?
Take easy. Relax. Let me & Frank Puig, @frank_puig,
open up & explain everything to each of you. All of you are going to see & understand every detail in crystal clear about what really happened in 2017.
All of you are in for a huge surprise. Ready? Alright. Let's focus on the year of 2017.
Here we go.
Rep Conyers Jr has
reintroduced his HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill with 51 Cosponsors on January 24, 2017.
@RepBarbaraLee, @repmarkpocan, @RepJayapal, @RepRaskin, @RepRoKhanna & @RepKarenBass were Cosponsors at that time.
An interesting to note was that
one of @SpeakerPelosi's buddies, @WhipClyburn was also a Cosponsored for HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill on that same date; January 24, 2017.
Republicans controlled both the House & the Senate in 2017.
Do you remember HR 1628 Bill? Do remember what
was HR 1628 Bill? Do you remember TrumpCare? What about American Health Care Act of 2017?
Okay. Let me explain.
TrumpCare was (And is) the HR 1628 American Health Care Act of 2017 (AHCA) Bill. One more time.
TrumpCare = HR 1628 American Health Care Act of 2017 Bill = AHCA
The Bill was introduced by Rep Black on March 20, 2017. However, the text of the Bill was available on March 9, 2017.
By the way, TrumpCare HR 1628 American Health Care Act of 2017 (AHCA) Bill had 0 Cosponsors when it was introduced.
As of March 11, 2017, there was
HR 1628 American Health Care Act of 2017 Bill on the Republican side.
At the exact same time, HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill with 64 Cosponsors was sitting right there on the Democrat side & they haven't said anything about it.
@TimRyan was a Cosponsor
had a chance to talk about HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill on MSNBC when he was asked about what Democrats were going to do with HR 1628 American Health Care Act of 2017 Bill. But he didn't.
On March 15, 2017, HR 676 had 65 Cosponsors & no one from
the Democratic Leaders have spoken about it.
Not even those who have Cosponsored the HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill have said anything.
Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy Bill was right there.
@repmarkpocan @RepRaskin @RepRoKhanna
.@RepKarenBass @RepBarbaraLee @RepDebDingell:
Why were you silent on a Bill that was a Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System?
Why were you silent when you Cosponsored the HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill?
On March 28, 2017, HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill had 72 Cosponsors.
@SpeakerPelosi & the Democrats in the House have remained silent. No sense of urgency from them to inform the Public about HR 676 Bill.
Meanwhile, Republicans in the House were
preparing & pushing the HR 1628 TrumpCare American Health Care Act of 2017 Bill.
On April 4, 2017 HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill had 85 Cosponsors.
1/24/17 HR 676 had 51 Cosponsors
3/7/17 HR 676 had 61 Cosponsors
3/29/17 HR 676 had 76 Cosponsors
.@AyannaPressley @repmarkpocan @RepRaskin @RepKatiePorter @RepRoKhanna @RepKarenBass @RepBarbaraLee @RepDebDingell @RepRaulGrijalva @Ilhan @RepChuyGarcia @RashidaTlaib @CoriBush @JamaalBowmanNY @Marie4Congress @RepJayapal @MondaireJones:
More information are coming up.
4/17/17 HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill had 96 Cosponsors.
You may argue that Republicans were Majority & Democrats were Minority in House. Therefore, they couldn't do anything; except for adding more Cosponsors to a Bill.
You're wrong. You
see, Minority Leaders in House have a lot of responsibilities & a lot of weight.
That means even when @SpeakerPelosi & Dems were Minority in 2017, she (Minority Leader) still had responsibilities & sway to do anything; notably to inform the Public about HR 676 Expanded &
Improved Medicare For All Act Bill, which would improve the quality of humans' life; especially at the same time Republican Majority were pushing for HR 1628 American Health Care Act of 2017; which does the opposite.
M4A Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System was &
is a way to go. Not a For Profit Medical Industrial Complex Wall St System.
M4A Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System is the solution.
That being said, here were some fundamental responsibilities of @SpeakerPelosi when she served as a House Minority Leader in 2017:
Constructive Opposition is where Minority Party opposes initiatives of Majority Party & offers its own proposals as substitutes.
Meaning, @SpeakerPelosi (Minority Leader) could oppose HR 1628 Bill of Republican (Majority Leader) & bring out HR 676 Bill as a substitute in 2017.
.@repmarkpocan @RepRaskin @RepRoKhanna @RepKarenBass @RepBarbaraLee @RepDebDingell @RepJayapal:
In 2017 we know that Polls that were credible said clearly that regardless of Party, Single Payer was the Healthcare solution. You Cosponsored HR 676 Bill.
Why haven't
you done anything? When you know that:
1. Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System have sparked during the 2016 Election Cycle
2. HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill was reintroduced on January 24, 2017
3. Republicans were preparing
HR 1628 American Health Care Act of 2017 & was introduced on March 20, 2017
4. Polls (At that timing) stated clearly that majority human beings supported Medicare For All Policy System
5. For Profit Medical Industrial Complex System is a murderous system
6. For decades, human beings have been devalued so much that it has become a Universal Experience of human beings when it's about Healthcare due to For Profit Medical Industrial Complex System
Have you discussed HR 676 Bill with @SpeakerPelosi? What has she said?
.@AyannaPressley @RepKatiePorter @RepRaulGrijalva @Ilhan @RepChuyGarcia @RashidaTlaib @CoriBush @JamaalBowmanNY @Marie4Congress @AOC @BernieSanders @MondaireJones:
You got to understand that you have to demand & fight for what you ran on & that is Medicare For All.
April 27, 2017 HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill had 104 Cosponsors. Still no word from Dems in House about this Bill.
@SpeakerPelosi's staff said Minority Leaders weren't custom to lead/Cosponsor a Bill (HR 676 Bill) due to Ethics rule.
Noting in
the House Ethics manual states that.
Turns out that there were no prohibitions for Minority Leaders in House to lead HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill.
Everyone who have read & studied the HR 676 Bill said that this was really a gold standard.
April 30, 2017 HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill had 108 Cosponsors.
A great question to ask @SpeakerPelosi. Why wouldn't she lead as a top Democratic Leader of the Party on HR 676 when there were no other Bill & no other Democratic solution in her House?
May 3, 2017 HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill had 108 Cosponsors.
There were two Healthcare Bills. TrumpCare HR 1628 American Health Care Act of 2017 & HR 676. Everyone knows about TrumpCare because it's being talked about.
No one was talking about HR 676,
a Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System because no one in Democratic side of House were mentioning it, informing it & discussing it.
Even to those who have Cosponsored the HR 676 Bill remained quiet. That's not how you help everyone.
May 5, 2017 HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill had 108 Cosponsors.
HR 1628 TrumpCare AHCA was passed in the House on May 4, 2017 with 217 - 213. It had 0 Cosponsors.
@SpeakerPelosi failed to use Constructive Opposition & refused to allow any discussion on M4A.
May 18, 2017 HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill had 110 Cosponsors.
12 Members of Congressional Black Caucus have not Cosponsor
14 Members of Congressional Hispanic Caucus have not Cosponsor
11 Members of Congressional Progressive Caucus have not Cosponsor
.@AyannaPressley @repmarkpocan @RepRaskin @RepKatiePorter @RepRoKhanna @RepKarenBass @RepBarbaraLee @RepDebDingell @Ilhan @RashidaTlaib @CoriBush @JamaalBowmanNY @Marie4Congress @RepJayapal @AOC:
Some of you had Cosponsored HR 676. Most of you had Cosponsored HR 1384. All of
you had Cosponsored HR 1976. However, none of you so far were able to break the ice.
What are you doing? You are repeating the same mistake which were previously done. Medicare For All Bill is introduced. You Cosponsored the Bill & that's it. You walk away.
This entire setup
is wrong. Break the ice. You know, I know & every single human beings in the USA who are desperate, in pain & are dying knows crystal clear that Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System is the only golden solution.
It's the only answer. The
corrupted rotten For Profit Medical Industrial Complex Healthcare System have destroyed humans' life & will continue to do so as long as they (For Profit Medical Industrial Complex Healthcare System) stay in its place.
Human beings have been devalued since decades ago. How long
will you allow the current situation (For Profit Medical Industrial Complex Healthcare System) to continue before you decide to break your silent & enough is enough; Medicare For All Single Payer right now?
What will it take for you to break the ice & enforce Medicare For All?
.@AyannaPressley @repmarkpocan @RepRaskin @RepKatiePorter @RoKhanna @RepKarenBass @RepBarbaraLee @RepDebDingell @RepRaulGrijalva @Ilhan @RepChuyGarcia @RashidaTlaib @CoriBush @JamaalBowmanNY @Marie4Congress @RepJayapal @MondaireJones @AOC @SenSanders:
Listen to him, @frank_puig
June 22, 2017 HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill had 112 Cosponsors.
Richard Master is a medium sized business owner of MCS Industries located in PA. He was frustrated in terms of having a hard time cutting costs & rearranging in other areas in order to
offset the rising costs of providing Healthcare benefits for his workers.
Therefore, he has taken the time, effort & resources of his own Company to develop a website loaded with information & videos Medicare For All.
August 25, 2017 @BernieSanders will be introducing his Companion Bill on the Senate side. Hoping that it'll be very similar to HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act.
Access is a Republican word that has been adopted by the Democrats. Access does NOT equal to Coverage.
Access involve barriers; which are affordability, physical accessibility & acceptability of services.
Coverage means without the risk of financial hardship. Coverage is a critical component of sustainable development, poverty reduction & reducing social inequities.
September 13, 2007 Now there are two Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System Bills:
1. @SenSanders introduced his Companion S 1804 Medicare For All Act of 2017 Bill with 16 Cosponsors.
2. HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill
HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill continues to receive more Cosponsors throughout the remaining of 2017 & in 2018.
HR 676 Bill received a final Cosponsor on December 6, 2018; resulting in a total of 124 Cosponsors.
HR 676 Bill was first introduced in 2003.
Couple of interesting points about HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill.
@SpeakerPelosi, Steny Hoyer & @WhipClyburn are buddies since long time. She is a Speaker. Hoyer is Majority Leader & Clyburn is Majority Whip. When they are not Majority Leaders,
they become Minority Leaders. When HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill was reintroduced on January 24, 2017, @WhipClyburn Cosponsored the Bill.
The questions do arise as to what happened, how come he didn't lead the Bill to the Public & why didn't use
the Constructive Opposition?
HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act Bill has been reintroduced for 15 years. Not one of the Cosponsors had revealed to anyone in the Public about this unique Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System.
disappointed. Everyone knows the current For Profit Medical Industrial Complex Healthcare System is a garbage system.
Let's not forget about 2016 Election Cycle where Medicare For All Single Payer sparked the entire USA.
When HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For
All Act Bill was reintroduced on January 24, 2017, @repmarkpocan @RepRoKhanna @PramilaJayapal @RepBarbaraLee @RepKarenBass @RepDebDingell & @RepRaskin who Cosponsored the HR 676 Bill could have said something, Could have forced to use Constructive Opposition. Could have yell.
.@AyannaPressley @RepRaskin @RepKatiePorter @RepRoKhanna @RepKarenBass @RepBarbaraLee @RepDebDingell @RepRaulGrijalva @Ilhan @RepChuyGarcia @RashidaTlaib @CoriBush @SenSanders @AOC @EdMarkey:
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System?
Come. I will teach it to you.
.@JamaalBowmanNY @Marie4Congress @RepJayapal @MondaireJones @repmarkpocan @RedBeretsM4All @50linesonly @iam4M4A @CaptainStack @quercuslove @DrJoeQJarvis @TheRagtagBand @TiMEoFPoSTiNG @OP_Omom:
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System? Come. I will teach it to you.
.@OzbatRisa @CaptOptamicus @PepperOceanna @Salem4Congress @DLiamDorris @AazamiShervin @Ally4Congress @justin4all2 @JessicaMasonTX @CallForCongress @RebeccaforWA @TerellAnderson @ahunt4congress:
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System? Come. I will teach it to you.
.@Angelica4CA @Maebe_A_Girl @RaleighBowman @Christinefor24 @DanWhitCongress @AllenLEllison @DLAndersonJrTX @EMcongress2022 @iElijahManley @AdamCforMD @ActivistHenry @DelilahforTexas:
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System? Come. I will teach it to you.
.@ShahidForChange @DarrigoMelanie @AustinTSearle @QueenJohnson_ @Meg4Congress @JK4Delegate @hoffman4nj @MeetMckayla @PhamForRI @amy4thepeople @Britt4Congress @rojas4mayor2021:
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System? Come. I will teach it to you.
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System?
1. Learn & understand the following terminology:
T = Trillion B = Billion
2T = 2,000B
3T = 3,000B
3.2T = 3,200B
3.5T = 3,500B
3.9T = 3,900B
4.0T = 4,000B
4.23T = 4,230B
4.67T = 4,670B
5.55T = 5,550B
6T = 6,000B
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System?
12T = 12,000B
13T = 13,000B
15.06T = 15,060B
15.29T = 15,290B
18.64T = 18,640B
21.008T = 21,008B
24.024T = 24,024B
28.589T = 28,589B
32T = 32,000B
32.069T = 32,069B
32T does NOT equal to 3.2T
32T does NOT equal to 3,200B
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System?
2. @SenSanders came with Options To Finance Medicare For All. It has 10 different Tax options. His two main ones are:
1) 7.5% Employer Payroll Tax
2) 4% Employee Health On Net Tax Income
How does it work? Simple!
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System?
3. 7.5% Employer Payroll Tax:
1) Excludes the first $2 Million in payroll
2) Applies to both Government & Private Employers
3) Substantial medium/large sized Companies (Businesses)
4) Huge savings for the States
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System?
5) For example from a W2 Form:
Worker: $128,164
Health benefits paid by State Gov: $28,953 DD
NOTE: DD is the Code. Cost of Employer paid to Health Insurance Premiums
What was the % of worker's salary going
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System?
towards Health Insurance?
Worker: $128,164
Health benefits paid by State Gov: $28,953 DD
($28,953 divided by $128,164) X 100% = 22.59%
6) If it was under 7.5% Employer Payroll Tax, it would be:
$128,164 X 7.5% = $9,612
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System?
4. 4% Employee Health On Net Tax Income:
1) It's so easy to calculate. On your 1040 Tax Form, you take your Annual Income minus Standard Deduction & then you multiply by 4%
2) The formula is:
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System?
(Annual Income - Standard Deduction) X 4% = How much you are going to pay for the entire year
3) For example on 1040 Tax Form:
(Annual Income - Standard Deduction) X 4%
($53,504 - $29,000) X4% = $980
How to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer System?
5. Using these two Tax options alone:
7.5% Employer Payroll Tax would generate $390B per year
4% Employee Health On Net Tax Income would generate $350B per year
Now add them:
$390B + $350B = $740B
Remember that amount!
How to pay for M4A Single Payer System?
Upcoming Tweets are going to be a pure math on exactly how to pay for M4A. Do not be afraid. I am here to help & explain everything to each of you in step by step.
After that. Share, show & discuss with everyone. Make sure that they
How to pay for M4A Single Payer System?
understand & are also doing the same thing.
Alright. Here we go.
1. Remember when I said to learn & understand those terminology where $6T = $6,000B? Yeah. They are coming up. So if you have skipped them, then go back & learn them
How to pay for M4A Single Payer System?
2. We are going to be using two Medicare For All Single Payer Bills for the math
3. They are HR 676 Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act & S 1804 Medicare for All Act of 2017
4. However. I am going to use HR 676 Bill twice for
How to pay for M4A Single Payer System?
the math. Why?
1) @frank_puig used different set of numbers while explaining the math on the HR 676 Bill
2) Therefore. On the HR 676 Bill, I'm going to do the math based on what he says & I'm also going to do the math based on what we
How to pay for M4A Single Payer System?
see on the video
5. I'm going to break a few words down for you so that you can understand what they mean when you see them
6. Vocabulary words:
1) Current System = The Total Cost right now without M4A in one year
How to pay for M4A Single Payer System?
2) M4A = The Total Cost for M4A fully operated right now in one year
3) Annual Total Cost = See # 2
4) Existing Revenue = How much we already have right now
5) How much is needed right now = Answer from # 3 minus Existing Revenue
How to pay for M4A Single Payer System?
6) Remember that $740B = Using both 7.5% Employer Payroll Tax PLUS 4% Employee Health On Net Tax Income
7) Now how much is really needed = Answer from # 5 minus $740B
At the end, you will realize that we need between $132B & $310B to
How to pay for M4A Single Payer System?
pay for Medicare For All Human Right Healthcare Policy System. Yep!
After watching the videos, learning the math which I have broken down for HR 676 & S 1804 Bills, you will notice that all we need is between $132B & $310B to pay for M4A.
How to pay for M4A Single Payer System?
HR 676 National Health Expenditures
Current System: $3.6T
M4A: $2.9T
Annual Total Cost: $2,900B
Existing Revenue: $2,000B
How much is needed? $900B
Remember that $740B?
Now how much is really needed?
$900B - $740B = $160B
How to pay for M4A Single Payer System?
HR 676 National Health Expenditures
Current System: $3.6T
M4A: $2,878B
Annual Total Cost: $2,878B
Existing Revenue: $2,006B
How much is needed? $872B
Remember that $740B?
Now how much is really needed?
$872B - $740B = $132B
How to pay for M4A Single Payer System?
S 1804 National Health Expenditures
Current System: $3.63T
M4A: $2.93T
Annual Total Cost: $2,930B
Existing Revenue: $1,880B
How much is needed? $1,050B
Remember that $740B?
Now how much is really needed?
$1,050B - $740B = $310B
Regardless of which Medicare For All Single Payer Bill we want to implement, whether it would be HR 676, S 1804, HR 1384, S 1129 OR HR 1976, we'd need somewhere between $130B through $310B to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare System.
How? By using
.@BernieSanders's both 7.5% Employer Payroll Tax PLUS 4% Employee Health On Net Tax Income. Together, this would produced a total of $740B per year.
Factoring that amount to How much is really needed to pay for Medicare For All Single Payer, we would need between $132B & $310B.
So don't let anyone tell you that Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System is not doable because of:
1. There's no money for this
2. It's too expensive
3. The budget is too tight
4. It's hard to do the math
5. And whether excuses they have
Because at
the end, since 1990s, Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System is extremely doable.
@PramilaJayapal & @SenSanders must address on exactly how to pay for it because I just did it (See above) & it wasn't hard to understand.
There are many ways to get
that amount of money per year (Between $132B & $310B), & have Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare System implemented forever.
Stop playing with humans' life & start saving & improving their life.
Now let's talk about HR 1384 in the Committee Hearings.
In the Hearings of Rules Committee, Budget Committee & Ways And Means Committee on @RepJayapal's HR 1384 Medicare For All Act of 2019, were Democratic House controlled Committee meetings talking about one of the most important Policy that we faced for decades.
In those three
Committee meetings were disrespect to everyone in the USA. It was meant to be a failure; set up by the Democrat Leaders.
Not one person representing economic side for the Democrats was able to reject a lie that it'd cost an additional $32 Trillion on top of what we are currently
spending. It was a lie.
After 6 & 1/2 Hours, a Democratic House Rep. Bobby Scott from VA rejected & clarified that it was not an additional $32 Trillion. It'd be a total figure of $3.2 Trillion per year to implement Medicare For All.
Remember. 32T does not equal to 3.2T
Dr. Gerald Friedman who have done the math on HR 676 & HR 1384 Medicare For All Bills should've been on the witness. Robert Pollen who have done the math on both Sanders' Medicare For All Bills should've been on the witness.
Richard Master from PA who is medium sized
business owner, developed a website fixithealthcare.com should have also been on that witness panel. These guys know Medicare For All forward & backwards.
However, they put this Economist guy who was arguing about ideology; not the cost of the Medicare For All.
All of this was because of the House Leadership who wouldn't allow any Cosponsored to talk about HR 676 & have allowed this Hearings Committee on HR 1384 to fail.
They allowed the misinformation to occur. They did it on purposely. Because: @SpeakerPelosi has been there > 30
We got > 30 M uninsured. Between 40 M to 85 M underinsured. There are horror stories each & everyday with regard to For Profit Medical Industrial Complex Healthcare System.
@SpeakerPelosi & her buddies can't figure it out on how to implement Medicare For All?
.@AyannaPressley @repmarkpocan @RepRaskin @RepKatiePorter @RepRoKhanna @RepKarenBass @RepBarbaraLee @RepDebDingell @RepRaulGrijalva @Ilhan @RepChuyGarcia @RashidaTlaib @CoriBush @JamaalBowmanNY @Marie4Congress @RepJayapal @MondaireJones:
We are going to keep on doing these
until it becomes natural in a sense on answering how to pay for Medicare For All. It's not a rocket science. So here we go.
Total Annual Cost For M4A:
Friedman came up with $2,878B = $2.878T
PERI came up with $2,930B = $2.93T
Lancet 2020 came up with $3,034B = $3.034T
After factoring in maintaining Federal & State dollars (Existing Revenue) how much is needed to pay for M4A per year?
Friedman came up with $872B
PERI came up with $1,050B
Lancet 2020 came up with $773B
But it doesn't stop there. Recall that @SenSanders came with Options To
Finance Medicare For All. It has 10 different Tax options. His two main ones are:
1) 7.5% Employer Payroll Tax
2) 4% Employee Health On Net Tax Income
Using these two Tax options alone:
7.5% Employer Payroll Tax would generate $390B per year
4% Employee Health On Net Tax Income would generate $350B per year
Add these two values up:
$390B + $350B = $740B
So! How much is really needed to pay for M4A per year?
Friedman: $872B - $740B = $132B
PERI: $1,050B - $740B = $310B
Lancet 2020: $773B - $740B = $33B
1. Rep John Conyers Jr introduced HR 676 with 25 Cosponsors in 2003
2. He reintroduced his HR 676 every year from 2003 to 2017
3. @RepRoKhanna @RepRaskin @RepJayapal @repmarkpocan @RepBarbaraLee @RepKarenBass & @RepDebDingell were the Cosponsors of HR 676 but remained silent
from the Public when Republicans were pushing for HR 1628
4. HR 676 received a total of 124 Cosponsors in 2018
5. @BernieSanders introduced S 1804 with 16 Cosponsors in 2017
6. @RepJayapal introduced HR 1384 with 106 Cosponsors in 2019; received a total of 118 Cosponsors
7. Bernie introduced S 1129 with 14 Cosponsors in 2019
8. Three House Committee Hearings meeting failed to make the case for Medicare For All on @PramilaJayapal's HR 1384 in 2019
9. Dean Baker who was the Primary Economist for Democrats received a grade of F -
10. Rep Bobby Scott from VA received a grade of A because he did his homework on M4A. He rejected the constant lie that M4A would cost $32 Trillion more over ten year period. It does not
11. The panel were chosen by @SpeakerPelosi, Hoyer & Clyburn
12. It was met to fail
13. Dr. Friedman, Dr. Pollin & Richard Master should've been on the panel
14. 22 Studies since the 1990s PLUS among with Dr. Friedman, Dr. Pollin & Lancet Studies have concluded crystal clear that M4A is the way to go
15. Haven't used M4A hero, Ady Barkan, sufficiently well
A good question for @BernieSanders & @RepJayapal:
1. Everyone had said that HR 676 was the gold standard. Why not just write it from word to word from HR 676 which had 124 Cosponsors?
2. When you have something so difficult to achieve as M4A, why make it more difficult?
.@SenSanders @PramilaJayapal:
1. Why is it so hard to answer the basic how to pay for Medicare For All question, when clearly it's so easy to explain it to the Public?
1) 7.5% Employer Payroll Tax And 4% Employee Health On Net Tax Income
2) MMT
Again. How to pay for Medicare For All?
The average of Total Annual Cost = $2.95T = $2,950B
The average of Existing Revenue = $2.05T = $2,050B
How much is needed?
$2,950B minus $2,050B = $900B
Do we stop here?
What to do?
Recall that @SenSanders came with Options To Finance Medicare For All. It has 10 different Tax options. His two main ones are:
1) 7.5% Employer Payroll Tax
2) 4% Employee Health On Net Tax Income
Using these two Tax options alone:
7.5% Employer Payroll Tax would generate $390B per year
4% Employee Health On Net Tax Income would generate $350B per year
Add these two values up:
$390B + $350B = $740B
So! How much is really needed to pay for Medicare For All per year?
On the average, Medicare For All per year would be:
$900B minus $740B = $160B
.@AyannaPressley @repmarkpocan @RepRaskin @RepKatiePorter @RepRoKhanna @RepKarenBass @RepBarbaraLee @RepDebDingell @RepRaulGrijalva @Ilhan @RepChuyGarcia @RashidaTlaib @CoriBush @JamaalBowmanNY @Marie4Congress @RepJayapal @MondaireJones:
Are you paying attention yet?
Remember #ForceTheVote? What was the original message?
The original message was to have every Progressive in Congress (Including new ones) who ran on M4A to hold their vote for @SpeakerPelosi until she brings HR 1384 M4A on the House for a floor vote.
Guess what?
.@frank_puig also agrees with @jimmy_dore. Why? Because he's correct.
He was asking Progressives, new ones, that ran on M4A to withhold their vote for @SpeakerPelosi as a House Speaker unless she brings M4A to a full House floor vote.
It's basically an Organizing 101.
You always want a clear yes or no & you never want a mush. The reason why you want a clear yes or no is particular in the case of Cosponsors.
You want to know exactly who was telling the truth & who wasn't; especially on Medicare For All Policy.
A recent @SpeakerPelosi's Congressional Budget Office report stated that Medicare For All Single Payer Human Right Healthcare Policy System would save Hundreds of Billions of dollars every year.
.@SpeakerPelosi has been in the Office for > 33 years. She has been an enemy of Medicare For All for a very long time.
Two classic examples to support this:
1. She used her leverage to push for Obamacare when clearly HR 676 M4A was sitting right there
2. She could've used
the Constructive Opposition as a Minority Leader to push for HR 676 M4A when Republicans were pushing for HR 1628 Trump Care
3. She basically suppressed her Caucus from talking about M4A to the Public
Yep. That was the whole point to #ForceTheVote on HR 1384 Medicare For All.
Medicare For All is not a talking point. It's not a Politics.
Medicare For All Single Payer is a Human Right Healthcare Policy System which is long overdue.
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