Aneesh Gokhale Profile picture
Author, 'Battles of the Maratha Empire' ' and 'Lachit - The Indomitable' (formerly Brahmaputra) Sometimes a sailor too.

Oct 13, 2021, 8 tweets

Savarkar praised by Congress and Communists on various occassions.

Savarkar also congratulated / praised Congress leaders and Communists on few occasions

1. Postage stamp issued in 1970 under Congress rule

C. Rajgopalchari praising Savarkar

Savarkar comes out in support of EMS Namboodaripad's Communist Government

Hiren Mukherji of the CPI moved the Condolence motion.

Article by Swapan Dasgupta

Dr S. Radhakrishnan praises Veer Savarkar

Congress leader Sushil Kumar Shinde

He was CM of Maharashtra when he said this.

Spare 8 mins and watch this video.

Sharad Pawar speaks on Savarkar in 1989.

Savarkar praises Yashwantrao Chavan, the first Chief Minister of Maharashtra

Chavan a " Rising star "

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