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Oct 13, 2021, 11 tweets

What if CIA, Biden Admin, India, Missionaries on field, "Red Corridor" (highly infected naxal area), Missionary Funding all comes in a same sentence? Buzz any alarm?

This is fact, not speculation.


Pete Buttigieg is Biden admin's Sec for Transportation, who happens to be ex Navy (intel) officer deployed at Afghan for tackling terror financing, and also suggested to be a CIA covert op, studied in a catholic school & admitted to be a deeply 'religiously' influence.

Pete's aunt- Marcette Buttigieg is one of Maltese missionary based at India, works from Pakur/Dumka (Jharkhand) since 40years, which is part of "Red Corridor" meaning marked as highly infected naxal area, and so under developed as well.

On his India visit, High Comm. of Malta in fact paid visit to all Maltese missionaries in India, including Marcette in Dec,20.

The 'holy' connections of Churches, missionaries & CIA is not new. There are several reports that suggests CIA used to (or is) plants & funds knights/pastor/nun as deep assets to collect intel, influence local press, and run their agendas in the "third world" countries.

The 'Mission Fund' Malta, grants funds to all Maltese missionaries across world, including Indian establishments.

It is known that Christian missionaries lure the vulnerables to convert in exchange of insignificant perks. Naxalite area is one of those 'fertile lands'. Selective govt takes minor/major steps to stop the practice, but much in vain only. In July'21 recently appointed

Sukma SP Sunil Sharma issued circulation to all police st. to have a "watch" on missionary in area who are traveling deep interior to influence tribals to convert. Similarly in CG Raman Singh govt made it legally easy in 2000 "ghar wapsi' is not conversion".

Some headlines about nexus of Missionaries, naxals, exchange of favours & funds which may be more than just conversion.

Credits- The Buttigiegs (nephew-aunt) discovered by @BenjaminNorton in attached thread. Matter brought to my notice by @hsinarahd

Thread makes no allegation on individuals.

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Thread by Benjamin Norton-

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