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standup comedian, WGA, SAG-AFTRA | booking: | read stories/essays | XING on #TheBrothersSun JAN 4 @netflix

Oct 13, 2021, 8 tweets

life update: my old-ass dad has dementia and has been deteriorating fast. i guess im posting this because i'm SUPPOSED to be promoting my upcoming tour (yup. next week #boston / #cambridge, #vermont, #nyc tickets at and responding to your emails and...

... writing & being a productive capitalist cog etc etc but it's hard to focus when shit been emotional & my insides are always gooey these days. my family has been figuring out how to care for him.

yesterday was especially hard because we are finally moving him out...

...of the house so my mom can have a break. i feel weird even sharing this because it's so taboo for asian folks to "outsource" caretaking of our elders but here we are. i feel awful that we have to make these choices and that it's so expensive and that...

... our public services don't provide for our elderly the way we should. i think about all of the caretakers out there who, like my mom, have dedicated their entire lives and savings (if they even have that) to caring for their parents and grandparents...

...i think about the work of @domesticworkers and @aijenpoo who have been bringing much needed attention to work that is super undervalued often "feminized" and undocumented and immigrant. caretakers are truly the real MVPs... here's a post about my sassy punk ass dad. i've had a tough relationship with my father. tbh its what makes me a comedian. the toughness that made him survive revolution, bullets, war, and being exiled from his family sadly did not allow him to feel true happiness...

...i know this post is a bummer and it sounds like i'm eulogizing him even though he is still alive. but those of you who have seen how dementia works know it's a slow process of saying goodbye to your loved one even though they are still physically here...

sometimes this shit feels too heavy to carry by myself. so here.

i wanted to make entertaining videos to promote my tour lol. tbh it would help if you can make sure your #boston #vermont & #newyork friends know i got shows next week tix: 🙏🏽❤️ thank u all

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