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Oct 13, 2021, 7 tweets

LMAO: The AAPF, the leading critical race theory activist organization, has created a strategic plan to mobilize left-wing media and K-12 teachers against me, @ConceptualJames, @AsraNomani, and others.

We have them on the defensive and they are flailing.

It's quite interesting: in the guidebook, critical race theory founder Kimberlé Crenshaw admits that CRT "originated in law schools," but was adopted by "K-12 teachers" and applied to the public school curriculum.

The guide is filled with the hysterical language of the Left: "disinformation," "McCarthyism," "January 6," "boogeyman," "Steve Bannon," "alt-right," "Big Lie," "Koch brothers," "fringe element," "extremist," "voter suppression," "right-wing attacks."

Not a sign of confidence.

They even created an "opposition map" that classifies "middle-class white parents" as "die hard" enemies who uphold "white-washed schools" and must be defeated.

We know they're really serious because they've created "humorous memes" and non-ableist Instagram templates that will definitely catch on with the youth!

It's truly a work of art that the "white conservative activists" driving "fear of critical race theory" include two black guys, an Asian guy, and an Indian woman.

It's amazing how fast multiracial whiteness is growing.

The key takeaway: critical race theory is driven by left-wing Boomers who make PowerPoints and host conferences in the universities and public school bureaucracies. They control the institutions, but they can't develop a persuasive argument and they absolutely can't meme.

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