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Ex R&D FMCG ind, C Eng. & Odysse 'CreativeWorks', & (legal) , GETTR @HowardSteen

Oct 13, 2021, 56 tweets

This thread explores through an artist's eye the shocking drive to get every person on the planet injected multiple times with new experimental drugs for an alleged disease having virtually zero impact on kids yet many will receive shots whether they want this or not.
Big picture

Focus of my image is this group which I think of as a kind of 'Adoration of the Magi' but 3 recognisable characters all involved in dark magical pandemic arts witnessing a scene of ritual sacrifice involving a small child. A transformation is about to occur. Magi are in rapture.

Scene location was important. I liked the idea of a dark mountain top difficult of access. Searching, I came across a feature named 'Altar of Sacrifice' in Zion National Park, Utah. For the cartoon I adapted and dramatised this 'Peak V@cination' - the pinnacle of v@x $cience.

A small parental figure is pictured offering up a child to the magicians who will inject the substances. There are many 000's of feet to ascend Peak V@x but a pathway has been prepared & parents willingly make the journey. Some are joyous to be serving the gods of the v@xzines

However, it must also be noted that some parents afterwards find their joy has turned into sorrow. The noble act of offering their beloved child to the higher cause of researching mRNA v@xzines has left them doubting the wisdom of their decision.…

But in the perspective of such transformative events & opportunities being engineered by the magicians, sorrowful sacrifices will be ignored. The imperative to keep injecting the substances is like a mantra, repeated & repeated & repeated by V@xman…

The magicians are separate but work together in unison towards the highest good for all of humanity - which can only be to get all ppl injected with the experimental substances. They are specialists in their respective fields. One here is a doctor & expert in health institutions

Yes, Dr. Fauci is also adamant about the need to have children - a group having little or nothing to fear from the magic virus - thoroughly injected. Despite multiple challenges from rational minds, the Fauci seems protected in his mission by a magic spell…

The third mad magician is looking to see the fruition of his life's work helped through the injections, for only via a climate favourable to merging new AI tech with the bodies & minds of ppl can transhumanism be achieved & the world saved in his eyes.…

The goat has some symbolic meaning. Goats are both sacrificial animals & in Christian religion "shed light on demonic forces, wicked men, and oppressors. In Christian theory, goats symbolise those unrepentant sinners who will not have a right to partake on judgment day."

Moving to cast of characters on the R.
During times of global crisis the world looks to the USA for leadership. On this occasion it gets ... Creepy Joe Biden and vaccine mandates. It's only about vaccination & expert $cience ... when he's not distracted.…

At times of national crisis there's also a pressing need to control the spread of dangerous misinformation because worship of the v@xzine magicians' expertise may not be questioned by mortals . Biden's surgeon general (in military dress) is onto the job.…

Anyway what could possibly go wrong when such an impressive array of trustworthy independent regulators and government health ministers have applied their collective scrutiny to the novel experimental injectable substances and pronounced them 100% fit for purpose?

Let's consider the regulators and start with Dr. Emer Cooke who left a position at WHO 4 years ago to become head of the European Medical Agency, the drugs watchdog organisation for the EU. It's all about 'beating Covid' with a "portfolio of v@xzines" !…

On 21st Dec 2020 EMA gave a 'conditional marketing authorisation' (Emergency use only) for the Pfizer BioNTech genetic engineering based injectable substance for all people aged 16 & above after a 'rigorous evaluation' of the data.…

What did other experts think about EMA's 'rigorous evaluation' of the data?
Even before EMA's authorisation, Prof Stefan Hockertz an experienced German pharmacologist and v@xzine expert voiced his doubts about the 'rigour' of Pfizer's toxicological data.…

As a result of daring to question the v@xzine magicians & their associates, the good prof Hockertz had to take a long break from public view (courtesy of the German thought police). More on this later, another researcher meanwhile had something to say about EMA's due process.

Dr. V Schmidt-Krüger is a cell biologist and researcher in cardiovascular disease. On Jan 29th 2021 she provided 2.5 hours of damning testimony to @CoronaAusschuss - her own assessment of the EMA authorisation process. This short extract is illustrative:…

For those with time & interest for further insights from her analysis and the cellular mechanisms which are likely at play, there follows 3 links for Dr VS-K's full testimony in three videos with English subtitles:
Part I - Manufacturing Quality Control…

Part II: Cellular pathways for expected toxic damage to the organism from lipid nanoparticles etc…

Part III: A wide ranging discussion of possible effects on organs, blood & ADE
So many of the concerns voiced in this part of the presentation and the ensuing discussion with the Ausschuss seem to to have come to pass today - nine months after the event.…

Another European regulator of interest is the UK's Medical & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency headed by June Raine, a pharmacologist. Is it possible that they also did a less-than-thorough job on the UK authorisation? I am not allowed to tell you that but you can check !

Gov. actors have been similarly enthusiastic about experiments on the population with the trans-genetic substances. In the UK, CSA Chris Whitty offers a confusingly different perspective to his Health Minister counterpart. Perhaps it's all part of the plan…

But knowing the plan is difficult, due to secrecy around full ingredient listing of these EUA experimental shots. In the absence of manufacturer information, which you would expect for any other product, there is much speculation about weird structures seen under the microscope!

Various scientists/researchers incl. @Ricardo93334602 @DrJohnB2… tried to assess the substances using microscopy & produced intriguing images but so far only speculation as to contents, so probably more useful to focus on actual adverse effects on people.

The process of adverse effects arising in people is a direct consequence of the action of doctors injecting the novel substances into bodies. We will consider the ethical actions of doctors shortly, but first must not forget the role of the magician's wizard - The Angel of Death.

It's essential to know Germany's Christian Drosten provided essential wizardry for the whole fake pandemic & injectable substance scams to be perpetrated via his fake PCR test. The background on Drosten all here:…
This man features in 5 of my cartoons.

Once understanding that:
1. PCR test cannot evidence infection (without doctor's diagnosis of symptoms)
2. PCR testing is used as a basis for assessing effectiveness of C-19 v@xzines
the whole pandemic lockdown, masks, asymptomatic transmission, vaccine nonsense breaks down.

I cannot explain this nonsense better than the good Swiss doctor, Thomas Binder - contributor along with 21 other science experts to the exposure of the uselessness of Drosten's test & the crime of blanket PCR testing in general…

Having heard from one good doctor, we arrive @ the v@xing image & doctors in general. Drs hold great respect from a public who fear for disease & expect healing treatments from Drs who have great power to do good - or not. For this reason they are bound to "First, do no harm"...

"Primum non nocere" is the Drs' Hippocratic oath. This would seem to be a self evident precautionary principle for safe practice of the art of doctoring. However, a significant group of Drs now feel the need to 're-new' this in the light of events Covid.

Btw, this main image of the power over life of the v@xxing doctor was inspired by an old painting which I initially took to be from the Dutch master Hieronymus Bosch, who in his time achieved a definite mastery in depictions of hell. It could be from one of his imitators however.

So doctors should operate to a professional ethical code to 'do no harm' & The Nuremberg Code provides a template & reminder of past disaster. But how many v@xxing doctors today are really aware of what they are injecting & what incentives can drive them?…

Many medicines can produce serious side effects & therefore several developed countries have databases to log & flag serious adverse reactions. A US system set up by the CDC for v@xines is VAERS. It's actually a legal requirement for hospitals to report ARs to VAERS yet few do it

At my last check in it showed >24,000 deaths following injections of the experimental trans-genetic substances. A whistleblower report provides shocking revelations of the reality on the ground in a large US hospital. After watching…

this report it's not hard to understand why a Harvard study concluded that VAERS only captures about 1% of adverse events. Do the maths yourself to understand the scale of what is going on. And why, if ARs are so very rare do we see groups like appearing?

The UK ARs are reported in the government 'Yellow Card' system. A helpful link from @ukcolumn presents this same data in a more user accessible way:…
But are the 1,698 UK deaths caused by the injected experimental trans-genetic substances. The fact checkers

would do our thinking for us and have us believe that these 'early warning' systems set up for that very purpose can't show causality. Strange really when the very same systems caused halt of the use of a Swine flu v@x in the US after a fraction of the ARs being seen today!

Meanwhile, in Israel the government does not need the paid-by-pharma fact checkers to guide the thoughts of those who cannot think for themselves - they (more efficiently) simply delete the data reported to their own system.…

For a slightly different angle on what is going on it is illuminating & also hard for the 'fact checkers' to dispute testimony & conclusions from someone whose profession is the processing of dead bodies. Introducing Mr J O'Looney…

The wide range of adverse reactions being attributed to these experimental injectable trans-genetic substances is long and alarming. But mainstream media & fact checkers insist - no problem here. A few lone questioning public voices are largely ignored.…

All these protestations on behalf of the victims of mRNA experiments must always pay homage to the technology gods by first stating "We are pro v@xzines", otherwise they would certainly not be heard at all or worse, might be labelled 'anti-v@xxers'.…

The net of all of this is an ugly picture. But why isn't the United Vacci-Nation train stopped by now instead of becoming an ongoing health & health system wreck? (detail from Part II of the 2nd Trilogy) Is a new 'Health Terrorism' ideology behind this?…

One reason for the runaway train could be desperation in certain enterprises who have staked everything including their very existence & their investors wealth on the new medical technologies. The entanglements run deep through the behemoth of pharma & ...…

their global associates in the digital-financial complex. This structure is 'too big to fail', operates unaccountably & supra nationally. It has more power than national states & is cemented by a network of NGOs all aligned to the theocracy of the WEF NWO.…

It is backed not only by an unprecedented global digital media propaganda circus that floods the public with its own one sided version of reality to the exclusion of professional alternative journalism and social media reporting but also ...

by a never-previously-seen over-reach of state and Big Tech censorship and suppression of alternative voices in order to preserve the one and only allowed narrative - Mr Global's version of Trusted Truth.………

The v@xzines are 100% safe, tested and effective & now we want access to the bodies of your children to satisfy our insatiable lust for wealth, power and control so that we can mould your world into our vision.
We will make this easy and we will make it attractive too ...

How cool for teenagers is this? Get v@x'd aboard a bus touring throughout France which combines injection suite & radio broadcasting studio. Meet your favourite pop celebrity artist & broadcast a radio dedication to your friends!…

But Pfizer wants to push the boundaries of decency and caution with young lives even further. It is important to extend the experiment to 5 - 11 year olds.…

Is it necessary, safe & effective to use these experimental trans-genetic injectables on children at all? After being harassed out of Germany by the thought police & his bank accounts closed, the irrepressible Prof. Hockertz gave damning expert opinion.…

Similar safety concerns were voiced by US medical researchers in this detailed analysis:…

Much here on threats & coercions to kids to take the experimental jab in Pfizer's 'world lab' & strongly voiced in this very recent report from Jerusalem from Ilana Rachel Daniel: "A predatory campaign of lies and devastating assaults on civilisation."…

Hasn't this already gone far enough? What will it take to halt this runaway train as it crashes through successive signals of impending generational disaster? What further horrors must be revealed? Why are we seeing these images now?…

I will leave the last words of this thread to the toxicologist & inoculation expert Prof Stefan Hockertz who spoke yesterday from exile to thank his supporters. There are evil forces running amok in the world & threatening the extinction of civilisation.…

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