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Scam survivor turned 2D investigator |Advisor @Paradigm

Oct 13, 2021, 6 tweets

1/ Lets talk about the worst NFT cash grabs yet

Called Impact Theory it’s essentially one of the growth mindset pyramid schemes

Tom decided it would be a good idea to try and raise 20k eth ($71m)

All under the guise of giving you “exclusive access to his growth events”

2/ Impact Theory reminds me of those “lifestyle influencers“ on LinkedIn/YT

They prey on people wanting to achieve success and host networking events or sell courses (think Grant Cardone or Tai Lopez)

Granted Tom did build a very successful business prior. But 20k eth ?!?


Here’s the article for reference:…

4/ Granted this is assuming it sells out.

Let’s say the prices all dropped to the floor he still would raise $33m

5/ Half of the roadmap is for people to buy more of their NFTs. The other half is generic entrepreneur/mindset guru events.

Can’t believe CdM is supporting this clown…

6/ He means obligation to take everyone’s ETH so he can get his $71m


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