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Parent Zone sits at the heart of digital family life, shaping the best possible future for children.

Oct 14, 2021, 11 tweets

Last year during Digital Parenting Week, we launched #OlleeApp, a digital friend for children aged 8-11 created by Parent Zone and funded by @BBCCiN's #AMillionAndMe initiative.

One year on, we're delighted to announce the launch of Ollee V2 🎉 #DPW2021

@BBCCiN We're live tweeting the highlights from our #OlleeApp launch event 📣

Stay tuned to hear our findings from the last year, and what's new with Ollee V2.

@BBCCiN A quick intro to #OlleeApp 🤝

Ollee is a free tool designed to help children explore feelings around a range of topics, like school, friends and family, and support conversations about what's on their mind with a parent through connected accounts:

Since launching last year, #OlleeApp has had a really positive impact, reaching over 300,000 families and providing over 1000 hours of free mental health support to date.

In order to make #OlleeApp even better for families, we've been engaging in ongoing youth consultation with the help of our sister organisation, @voiceboxsite, and their youth ambassador programme 👇

@voiceboxsite A key learning from our youth consultation was around children’s use of tech - whilst they loved #OlleeApp being online, they really wanted a native app they could download on their devices.

@voiceboxsite We're excited to share that #OlleeApp is now available as a native app and can be downloaded from both the Apple and Google Play stores 🤳 Try it out 👇

@voiceboxsite From our consultations, we also learnt that children wanted to be able to use #OlleeApp when they couldn’t identify exactly what emotion they were feeling. To help them work it out, we've added a new ‘I don’t know how I feel’ pathway to Ollee V2:

So, what else is new with #OlleeApp?

Following feedback from children, we've developed new enhanced advice cards that include images and videos promoting mindful activities like guided breathing and positive visualisation 💭

We have two support packs available for #OlleeApp - a school pack aimed at using Ollee in the classroom and a professional pack to help family facing professionals use Ollee in their work. Both of these packs have been updated for the launch of Ollee V2:

We hope you enjoyed getting to know a bit more about #OlleeApp V2.

Be sure to try it out for yourself and let us know what you think 🤳

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