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Parent Zone sits at the heart of digital family life, shaping the best possible future for children.
Mar 13, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
When confronted with unusual and fast changing events, it’s easy to lose track of all the information that suddenly becomes available through various channels. However, it’s important to keep a clear mind and try to be careful when choosing which sources of information to trust. While there are many well established, reliable organisations that are doing their due diligence to make sure their news is verified – with fact-checking processes set in place and ethical guidelines for their writers – social media platforms can be less reliable.
Oct 14, 2021 11 tweets 9 min read
Last year during Digital Parenting Week, we launched #OlleeApp, a digital friend for children aged 8-11 created by Parent Zone and funded by @BBCCiN's #AMillionAndMe initiative.

One year on, we're delighted to announce the launch of Ollee V2 🎉 #DPW2021 @BBCCiN We're live tweeting the highlights from our #OlleeApp launch event 📣

Stay tuned to hear our findings from the last year, and what's new with Ollee V2.
Oct 11, 2021 4 tweets 6 min read
Introducing #PZLocal, a brand-new support service from Parent Zone for families in #Croydon, #Lambeth, #Lewisham and #Southwark 📣 We're live tweeting our launch event – stay tuned for more info: @lambeth_council @lb_southwark @LewishamCouncil @yourcroydon @lambeth_council @lb_southwark @LewishamCouncil @yourcroydon We are working with local boroughs to provide accessible and high-quality information, support and resources tailored to families in #Croydon, #Lambeth, #Lewisham and #Southwark to help them get the most out of digital. #PZLocal