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Founder of People For Chelsea (on hiatus). The former pres of Mexico thinks I have good taste in food. "The single worst account on all of Twitter."-D. Sirota

Oct 14, 2021, 6 tweets

I'm a little late to this but it's absolutely hilarious how transparent the Whistleblower/Transparency 'journalists' are in dismissing & attacking any whistleblower who cuts against their narratives (aka does not attack Dems).

OH MY GOD! The (highly-educated) woman who works in tech is a liberal? Well, this changes everything. She is wholly discredited now because....uhh reasons. The only 'correct' type of whistleblowers are the ones who support Donald Trump (unlike me, who does not support Trump).

Wow, someone potentially, maybe might profit from their leaks? Better ignore the substance then. It's important to personalize it.

And btw, Glem is DISGUSTED that anyone might make money off of leaks. He would never think to do such a thing.

So old I remember that 'Julian Assange's motives, including openly cheering for Trump, saying that he was dropping (misleading( docs for maximum impact, to make Clinton lose...all of that is completely irrelevant, as long as the documents are authentic.' That's different b/c....

And they all did the same thing with the Ukraine whistleblower when he came forward to say that the president was using his power to extort an ally. "Not a real whistleblower bc maybe their motive was political and they're not being thrown in jail." Just so transparent.

Finally, will leave you with Glem's rule for whistleblowers. Yet another 'guiding principle' from the world's biggest hypocrite.

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