#Doyouknow Maternal and Child malnutrition are among the current top risk factors for the global burden of disease and account for about one quarter of global deaths. #WHO #GlobalMalnutrition #FAO #ChildMalnutrition #ph260720
more than 50% of Under-5 deaths are preventable and majority of which are attributed to Malnutrition. Child malnutrition is still the greatest nutrition related health burden at global level. .#Under5Mortality #ChildMalnutrition #ph260720
Apart from being a major cause of Under5 mortality, malnutrition in childhood has far reaching repercussions #WHO #ChildMalnutrition #ph260720
Between 1990 and 2015, as part of #MDG1 efforts which aimed to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2015, the prevalence of #underweight, #stunting and #wasting declined, rates of achievement were uneven in different parts of the globe #UNDP #ChildMalnutrition #ph260720
Under-5 mortality is lower than ever before courtesy dedicated global efforts, but the COVID-19 pandemic has threatened to undo decades of hard-won progress. #Under5Mortality #ChildMalnutrition #ph260720
With increasing episodes of humanitarian crisis, the situation is worsening with more children at risk of severe malnutrition #ChildMalnutrition #ph260720 #https://twitter.com/MohamedFall/status/1448194598178889730?https://twitter.com/UNICEF/status/1447955972907888645?s=20
#SustainableDevelopmentGoal2 of Eradicating Hunger and ending all forms of malnutrition in the world became far more relevant and pervasive challenges of our time. #UnitedNations #WEF #UNSDG #Hunger sdgresources.relx.com/useful-links #ph260720
#SDGTarget2.2 recognizes the global dimension of #ChildMalnutrition and aims to end all forms of it by 2030: Key strategies include- Comprehensive implementation plan on Maternal, Infant and young child nutrition and the #FrameworkforAction101UNFfa #ph260720
Building on this momentum, the #UNGA declared 2016-25 as #NutritionDecade, which provides a clearly defined, time-bound and cohesive framework for all countries & stakeholders to work together and to scale up collective efforts to achieve #SDG2 #RomeDeclarationon #UNFfA #ph260720
To get there,a transformative change to prioritize action-oriented efforts towards the 1000days covering pregnancy & the first 2years of child’s life, which are critical for physical, cognitive development and overall wellbeing of the child, is needed #ChildMalnutrition #ph260720
Preventing malnutrition and its devastating impact will need commitments, sacrifices and behavior changes from all of us, to think both short& long term, to not only address current challenges but also chart a brighter future for children & young people #EndMalnutrition #ph260720
Before we end this, A small quiz to test our understanding of Infant and young child feeding. #EndhildhoodMalnutrition #ph260720
Exclusive Breastfeeding (for a child<6 months) means:
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