David Evans Profile picture
Economist (@CGDev) tweeting about development, education, health, social safety nets, impact evaluation, literature, movies, etc. My views, not my employer's.

Oct 14, 2021, 18 tweets

What are your favorite or most anticipated books by professional economists published in 2021?

[a thread]

I'm looking forward to listening to the audiobook of Goldin's *Career & Family*! press.princeton.edu/books/hardcove…

I'm ALSO looking forward to listening to the audiobook of Diane Coyle's *Cogs and Monsters*. press.princeton.edu/books/hardcove…

Amartya Sen's memoir looks great. wwnorton.com/books/97813240…

I haven't finished Kaushik Basu's *Policymaker's Journal* but I've enjoyed some great insights so far. simonandschuster.com/books/Policyma…

I've seen good reviews of Emily Oster's *The Family Firm*. penguinrandomhouse.com/books/639450/t…

Scott Cunningham's *Causal Inference: The Mixtape* draws on a work by this year's Nobel prize winners, so it's hot right now. mixtape.scunning.com (Came out in January!)

What am I missing that you enjoyed or are really looking forward to in the waning months of the year?

For more on methods, check out *The Effect* by Nick Huntington-Klein. Free online here theeffectbook.net and to be released in print in December.

Jadrian Wooten's book combines two of my favorite things. routledge.com/Parks-and-Recr…

Benjamin Ho's book looks at trust through an economist's lens cup.columbia.edu/book/why-trust…

Nina Banks brings together speeches and writings of the first Black American economist, Sadie T. M. Alexander! yalebooks.yale.edu/book/978030024…

Coming in December! De Brauw and Bulte on African farmers, value chains, and agricultural development! palgrave.com/gp/book/978303…

*Survival of the City* by Glaeser and Cutler! penguinrandomhouse.com/books/669805/s…

Economist Dambisa Moyo on *How Boards Work*


(I've never really known, so maybe this is my big chance to understand it!)

Alex Thomas's introduction to macro! cambridge.org/us/academic/su…

And if you're like: I don't need an intro to macro, I need some ADVANCED macro, there's this. press.lse.ac.uk/site/books/m/1…

Jan Eeckhout's *The Profit Paradox: How Thriving Firms Threaten the Future of Work*


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