David Evans Profile picture
Economist (@CGDev) tweeting about development, education, health, social safety nets, impact evaluation, literature, movies, etc. My views, not my employer's.
Mar 20 21 tweets 9 min read
“Beyond the Fence: Research, Policy, and the US Southwest Border”

Last week I heard Professor @M_Clem give this keynote address at the seminar for the HUMANS LACEA (@VoxLACEA) Network, co-organized by @the_IDB and the @WorldBank. Here are a few takeaways. 🧵 Image The number of people arriving at the U.S.’s southwest border has risen sharply since 2020. There are 3 broad approaches to addressing: just enforce the law, induce “development” in sending countries, & improve legal channels for immigration. What does research tell us about each? Image
Apr 21, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Many educational interventions boost outcomes for girls, but which of those interventions are proven to function effectively at large scale? “Girls’ Education at Scale,” now out in the World Bank Research Observer, explores this. academic.oup.com/wbro/advance-a… 🧵 Image We identify interventions that benefit girls that reach at least 10,000 beneficiaries. This isn't scale in every system, obviously, but it helps us focus on what we learn *outside* of small pilots. (I also think we learn from small pilots; we just learn different things.) Image
Apr 19, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
What are your favorite articles or blogs on how to finance educational reforms in low- and middle-income countries?

(I'll share just a handful in this 🧵, but I'm interested in others! Self promotion welcome!) For domestic financing, @sondergl_lars wrote about the use of tax transfers to incentivize educational improvements in Ceará, Brazil. blogs.worldbank.org/latinamerica/c…
Dec 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@LeventNeyse Applied Economics Letters, Atlantic Economic Journal, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Econometrics Journal, Economic Theory Bulletin, Economics Bulletin, Economics of Education Review, Explorations in Economic History, Finance Research Letters... @LeventNeyse Health Economics, International Advances in Economic Research, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Policy Analysis & Management...
Dec 3, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
Over the last two years, I’ve seen movies from 100 countries. I loved many, but here are 10 favorites. 🧵 If you’re in the mood for comedy…

A Dog’s Will / O Auto da Compadecia (Brazil, 2000, directed by Guel Arraes)
Sep 29, 2022 10 tweets 8 min read
Brazil's annual school performance results came out! g1.globo.com/rj/rio-de-jane…

The state of Ceará continues to perform excellently, despite being Brazil's 5th poorest state. Yet in 2005, Ceará performed in the bottom half of Brazil's states.

How did it achieve this change? 🧵 Yesterday I gave a talk on "The State of Ceará in Brazil is a Role Model for Reducing Learning Poverty" at @ILASColumbia, based on this study (documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/281…) by @loureiroandre, @cruz_louisee, @IldoLautharte, & me

Here's the story in a nutshell.
Jun 8, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
"To you all, who decide to give out your daughters to marriage at a very young age, this is the consequence: sickle cell, sicknesses, adultery, & even death!"

On a flight, I watched the 2021 Cameroonian film *Hidden Dreams*, a morality play on the evils of child marriage. 1/8 ImageImageImage I'm going to have to say that while I endorse the general message (no to child marriage!), I wasn't sold on the execution.

At least one reviewer thinks I just needed 34 MORE minutes of the movie: imdb.com/review/rw76997… Image
Jun 8, 2022 23 tweets 17 min read
The Government of South Africa has been experimenting with how best to boost early grade literacy. In a conference today & tomorrow, the Department of Basic Education (+ a few partners) shares what they’ve learned.


Key findings in this thread. 1/N @muriel_mafico of @UNICEF mentioned that while most policymakers recognize there is a learning crisis, they underestimate the degree of the crisis in their own countries.
Mar 15, 2022 12 tweets 8 min read
It’s been more than 2 years since schools began shutting down due to COVID! In a new review, @LHMosco and I look at actual estimates (not projections) of learning loss and/or dropout rates from 27 countries.

Paper cgdev.org/publication/le…

Blog cgdev.org/blog/two-years…

🧵 1/12 The first main finding, strikingly consistent across contexts, is how much worse learning loss is for poorer kids. This is true in high-income countries (like the UK and the US) & middle-income countries (like Bangladesh & Mexico) & low-income countries (like Uganda). 2/12
Feb 19, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
47 journals with explicit short paper options where economists publish their research

An annotated list: bit.ly/36qNVfn

[And a thread] In addition to journals with an explicit short paper option, many editors at other journals signal an interest in short papers.

See @seema_econ on AEJ: Applied
Oct 14, 2021 18 tweets 8 min read
What are your favorite or most anticipated books by professional economists published in 2021?

[a thread] I'm looking forward to listening to the audiobook of Goldin's *Career & Family*! press.princeton.edu/books/hardcove…
Oct 13, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Has anyone written a handbook chapter or review paper on the best ways to measure student absenteeism in low- and middle-income countries?

It would ideally lays out the various measurement options (spot checks! administrative records! self-reports!) with the pros & cons of each. I know there are studies on individual pieces of this. For example, Baird & @BerkOzler12 have a 2012 article comparing self-reports to school ledgers. drive.google.com/file/d/0B274-J…
Sep 27, 2021 18 tweets 16 min read
Who's in the mood for a Monday morning education research round-up?

Friday was the third and final day of the Research on Improving Systems of Education annual conference (#RISEConf2021)!


In case you missed it, here’s a quick catch-up!

[thread] Gabrielle Wills: “In 2020 grade 2 students lost between 57% and 70% of a year of learning relative to their pre-pandemic peers. Among a grade 4 sample, learning losses are estimated at between 62% and 81% of a year of learning” in South Africa. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
Sep 24, 2021 16 tweets 17 min read
Yesterday was the SECOND day of the Research on Improving Systems of Education annual conference (#RISEConf2021)! School management, equity and choice, and what education interventions we should trash!


Did you miss it? Here’s a quick round-up!

[thread] Image @Gabriela_LSC: Training school heads on violence prevention in Peru increased reports of violence and reduced transfers from schools. (It didn’t affect test scores, but come on, not everything has to improve test scores. Let’s just keep the kids from getting hurt!) #RISEConf2021 ImageImageImageImage
Nov 11, 2020 23 tweets 11 min read
Each year, the World Bank's Development Impact blog publishes a series of posts by job market candidates about their original research. Here's a running thread. "Digitising microfinance loans to create female enterprise growth" by @EmmaRiley19
Oct 7, 2020 14 tweets 8 min read
Recent research in Africa demonstrates the return to “structured pedagogy” interventions to boost learning. In our paper “Education in Africa: What Are We Learning?” (cgdev.org/publication/ed…), @AcostaAminaM & I identified several recent papers. [thread] What are "structured pedagogy" interventions? In our review, we define them as "those that provide a variety of inputs to improve teaching, such as lesson plans and training for teachers together with new materials
for students."
Jul 10, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
Once I asked policy makers in a middle-income country what I could do to make sure an education report I was writing would be useful to them. One said, “Stop telling us about Finland & Singapore!” Here are two alternative examples of successful education reform. [thread] Image The state of Ceará & the municipality of Sobral, both in Brazil, have managed a complete turnaround in their basic education systems over two decades. Two new reports extensively document how.

Here's a two pager summarizing both bit.ly/2CjUc1l, by @loureiroandre & me Image
Apr 18, 2020 14 tweets 10 min read
As we rounded up analysis and news on the economic impact of #COVID19 from the last week, a concerning, recurring theme that @AcostaAminaM and I observed is the impact on the food supply.

[a thread of problems and solutions 1/14] @WorldBankAfrica's publication #AfricaPulse finds prices of staple foods rising and agri-food supply chains rising. openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/3…
Jan 7, 2020 16 tweets 7 min read
.@PJakiela, @maryamakmal, and I have a new working paper out today: “Gender Gaps in Education: The Long View” which draws on 50 years of data from 126 countries. cgdev.org/publication/ge… [thread] Image We document four facts about changes in gender gaps in education over time, using the Barro-Lee data on educational attainment among the population age 15 and above (barrolee.com). Image
Nov 22, 2019 13 tweets 7 min read

To help you prepare for your holiday shopping, here are 10 books by economists, written for broad audiences, that came out in 2019.

Let me know which ones I missed!

Below is a thread with links to each book. Good Economics for Hard Times, by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo (@public_affairs) goodeconomicsforhardtimes.com
Oct 31, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
As I went through more than 100 of recent economics Nobel laureate Esther Duflo's publications earlier this week, I was struck by a few themes.

[short thread] 1. THE VALUE OF DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS. Duflo is best known for her experimental work, but she has paper after paper describing how poor people live, their health, their spending. It's important to understand the problem as well as test solutions.