Adam Wathan Profile picture
Creator of @tailwindcss. Listener of Slayer. Austin 3:16.

Oct 15, 2021, 35 tweets

What's the actual best floor planning tool I can play around with for redoing my office? Hard to find the good stuff, this whole category is SEO'd into oblivion πŸ˜…

Here's where I got with Homestyler which was pretty quick and easy to play with... Wish I could come up with a good way to make it work with the desk in the middle but this doesn't seem terrible.

Hmm maybe this could work, desk not in the true middle but only need access from one side anyways...

Just not sure where to set up the ol' Rocket League station πŸ˜…

Hmm maybe this bookcase behind my desk, throw a TV in there for gaming, then losing at Rocket League and ruining my mood for the rest of the day is only a spin away...

Yeah yeah I think something like this basically might be the ticket 🀩

Alright I think I've got it totally cracked now πŸ‘πŸ» My code is gonna be so much better for sure, how could it not.

Went with this bookcase for behind my desk, will be able to fit my gaming monitor in the middle shelf πŸ‘πŸ»

New desk arrives Wednesday, excited to remodel!

Gonna start redoing the office tonight!

New Uplift desk arrived today, 80x30 solid walnut top, thing is large πŸ˜…

Final before photos before the transformation begins…

Step 1: Take down acoustic panels and patch some holes β€” these are gonna get moved to the other wall.

End result of this patch job will likely look like shit because I am an absolutely useless handy man 🀘🏻

(Probably the thing I’m most excited about with this home office reno is finally being able to put the back of this beauty on display 😍)

Step 2: Spill an entire coffee on your office carpet πŸ€™πŸ»

Step 3: Sand down these patches now that they are dry.

As expected, the patch is not impressed with the service I provided.

Step 4: Taping and edging… If the baseboards aren’t black when I take the tape off I will be absolutely shocked. I don’t think there is anything in the world I am worse at than painting.

Step 5: Fuck up your ceiling by accidentally tapping the corner of the paint roller on it, then trying to wipe it off with a damp cloth and wiping away the texture of the ceiling completely πŸ€™πŸ»

First coat is done, looking forward to seeing how I fucked this up when it dries πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Second coat, expect I may want to do a light third when this is totally totally dry but coverage looks okay I think, if anything probably too thick πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

Took the tape off, as expected I am terrible at this shit 😎

Also I painted the edges before sanding the patches, as can be seen here. Another dumbass move 🧠

Coffee stain after clean up, expected a lot worse.

My wife *really* enjoyed helping me carry this 1.75” solid walnut 80x30 desktop up our massive staircase πŸ˜…

Desk is beautiful! But FedEx fucked it up 😭

Where we’re at with everything dry…

Next step is to build the desk, which I’m gonna start after kid is asleep.

(Getting replacement top in January, gonna use this one until then.)

Frame assembled! This thing has to weigh at least 200 pounds β€” no clue how I am going to get this flipped over, starting to wish I knew my neighbours πŸ˜…

Starting to put things in their proper home πŸ‘πŸ»

Trigger warning: No cable management 😜

Need to buy a couple longer Thunderbolt cables then will tidy this up. Another job I honestly wish I could just pay someone to come and do better than me πŸ˜…

For real though the amount of cables it takes to build a CSS framework is astonishing.

Opted for ordering some 3D printed mounting brackets for my audio interface and Thunderbolt hub. Looked into lots of other options but I think this has the best chances of turning out clean.……

Bookcase arrived, feels a little smaller than I was imagining but I think it's alright πŸ‘πŸ»

Decor is a draft, will figure out something nice soon πŸ™ƒ

Gonna hang one of the guitars on the wall and put a nice chair in that corner long-term, but got the most important piece of decor on the shelf at least πŸ˜†

(Thanks to @austinstierler for helping me live my childhood dream πŸ˜„)

@austinstierler (And thanks to @taylorotwell for the badass Jurassic Park hardcover 😍)

Got the new mic arm today, love it compared to the PSA-1 I had before!

Trying out some more decor ideas.

Got a couple of new black acoustic panels to better match the new wall. Not sure I'll actually have a good spot for the second one but this one looks a lot better there than the gray ones I bought to match the other paint color πŸ‘πŸ»

Ordered one of these to organize everything under the desk, think it’ll work better than the plastic thing included with the desk.

Hopefully mounting brackets for other stuff will be here soon and can get it all sorted out!…

New light fixture πŸ’‘

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