Aneesh Gokhale Profile picture
Author, 'Battles of the Maratha Empire' ' and 'Lachit - The Indomitable' (formerly Brahmaputra) Sometimes a sailor too.

Oct 15, 2021, 10 tweets

Someone explain how these ICSE schools work ?

What's the board there for ?

This passage is from a book used as a textbook for Class 7 , ICSE.

Max nonsense in ten lines :

Meanwhile Namdev

Namdev lived from 1270 to 1350. Exactly the time Maharashtra got exposed to equality and brotherhood.

Hinduism faced a calamity due to Khilji invasion. Temples were broken, pilgrimage centres rendered desolate. The Bhakti movement, with its focus on simplicity kept people within the Hindu fold.

Ref : Shri Shiv Samarth Anonya Sambandh.

Here is the source of your simplicity.

One of Maharashtra's earliest and tallest historians

Justice Ranade on importance of Bhakti movement. This pertains to Maratha history, but the base theme of keeping Hindus within Hinduism holds everywhere.

" At a time when invaders had obliterated the open display of Hindu religion, the Bhakti movement, through its simplicity of worship, kirtans and Bhajans, kept the masses within the Hindu fold"

- VK Rajwade.

Now this is not my domain of knowledge, but surely, if you are going back to Original Hinduism .. you would go to the Vedas (Including Yajurveda) rather than Upanishads no ?

Attaching Bhakti movement solely to caste and calling it some neo liberal movement, bereft of the points described above, has been a common leftist theme for decades.

Romila Thapar from an article in NYT

There are 2,00,000 students in ICSE

Small number, but still sufficient to supply sufficient number of wokes to drive the Commie narrative.

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