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CCChat Magazine- The FREE magazine on and around coercive control since 2017. Some tweets may be random! Anatomy of a Smear Campaign 19:07:23 Editor: Min Grob

Oct 16, 2021, 16 tweets

The red flags of dating that seem romantic.
🚩 ❤️🚩❤️🚩❤️🚩❤️🚩❤️


1/ He insists on picking you up from your home because he is * a gentleman*.

2/ He insists on making all the choices. The venue/the food/the wine.

3/ Everyone at the restaurant seems to know him/ treat him like a friend.

4/ He wants to know ALL about YOU.

5/ There are SO MANY coincidences

6/ He likes all the same things

7/ He asks if you believe in fate, in soul mates. Whether you believe there is that ONE person who you’re meant to be with.

8/ Then he tells you how unlucky he’s been.

9/ And that all his previous relationships have been AWFUL
All his exes have cheated/been abusive/used him/spent all his money/ been *crazy*.

10/ But he feels a REAL connection with YOU

11/ And he can’t wait to see you again. Can you see him tomorrow?

12/ And he phones you as soon as you get home.

13/ To tell you he’s never felt this way before.

14/ And this must be fate

15/ But really it’s a massive massive massive red flag

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