Colin Davis Profile picture
Professor of cognitive psychology researching social change, behaviour change & people's response to climate change. Recovering chess player.

Oct 16, 2021, 5 tweets

I've focused on Wellingborough and Trafford previously, so let's take a look at Ipswich, which has the third highest rolling rate in the UK.

In the recent spike, cases initially took off around September 15th, among 10-14s (following a pattern seen all around the country). The increase among 15-19s was less steep, presumably reflecting the fact that many in the latter group are vaccinated.

A week later, around September 22, we start to see cases taking off among those in their 40s. "Parents!", you say. I couldn't possibly comment.

Most concerningly of all, perhaps, a few days later we start to see cases rising amongst those in their 70s.

The Covid rate among 70-74 year olds in Ipswich is now higher than it's ever been. The vaccine will offer a good degree of protection, but this is not a desirable state of affairs -- one hopes that public health officials there are considering additional measures.

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