Rob Lee Profile picture
Senior Fellow @FPRI. Previously @USMC, @ColumbiaSIPA, @CentreAST. Focused on Russian defense policy.

Oct 17, 2021, 12 tweets

During the Rosgvardia Spetsnaz maroon beret selection in Stavropol, servicemen from Chechnya were reportedly allowed to cheat by bringing their own cars and failing the rappelling portion. This led to a fight between Chechen and non-Chechen participants.

Video of one of the Chechens failing to meet the standard. The brawl began after the judges tried to remove the Chechen servicemen and even led to someone firing a pistol. However, the leadership ruled in favor of the Chechens and gave them the berets. 2/

Another video from the selection in Stavropol. Because of the decision to award the berets to the Chechens, members of Rosgvardia’s elite 604th Special Purpose Center’s Vityaz unit will reportedly refuse to wear their maroon berets starting tomorrow. 3/

Rosgvardia spetsnaz veteran social media accounts aren’t happy. 4/……

Hero of Russia and retired Vityaz Colonel Sergey Lysyuk said the Maroon Berets main council will sort out the conflict over what happened in Stavropol and said this isn't the time for emotional outbursts on social media. 5/…

Another video from the maroon beret selection. You can see the cars used to transport the Chechen participants at the end. 6/

A Rosgvardia official denied that there was a brawl or that Rosgvardia spetsnaz would take off their maroon berets. 7/…

Another indignity that angered Rosgvardia Spetsnaz. One of the Chechens refused to kneel or kiss his beret when he was awarded the maroon beret. 8/

Video published by Ramzan Kadyrov of the seven Rosgvardia servicemen who received their maroon berets. They clearly edited out the embarrassing parts. 9/

Another video from the selection that angered maroon beret veterans. 10/…

Ramzan Kadyrov’s nephew reportedly failed the selection. 11/

Sergey Lysyuk, the founder of 604th TsSN Vityaz unit, said the accusations of cheating were false and all of the participants who received the maroon beret earned it and that there wasn’t a protest from current Maroon Berets. Seems unlikely. 12/…

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